
WGAR News: Bella Bropho of the Swan Valley Nyungah Community: Perth Indymedia Radio Show

Newsletter date: 24 March 2014


* Perth Indymedia Radio Show: Bella Bropho of the Swan Valley Nyungah Community
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: SWALSC CEO Glen Kelly calls for the return of the Nyungah Community's land
* Greens MLC Robin Chapple: Greens Appalled at Homes Torn Down at Swan Valley Nyungah Community in early morning
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Government racism razes Swan Valley Nyungah Community
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: The community gather, Premier Barnett just say "YES"

WGAR News: Sharing Culture - Empowering Aboriginal people to heal and develop resilience to historical trauma

Newsletter date: 23 March 2014


* SNAICC News: Sharing Culture initiative online

* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Hundreds more will suicide if we wait for 2015
* Background to Suicide and Self-harm in Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Communities

* SNAICC News: SNAICC congratulates Dala Yooro Children and Family Centre
* SNAICC News: The Training Team recently delivered 10 of these 2-day workshops across New South Wales
* SNAICC News: The children of Burringurrah Remote Aboriginal Community - The Boss of My Body!

WGAR News: National Close the Gap Day

Newsletter date: 22 March 2014


* SNAICC's Statement for National Close the Gap Day
* NACCHO Close the Gap day: The Portrayal of Aboriginal Health in Selected Australian Media
* Greens Senator Rachel Siewert: Senate marks National Close the Gap Day
* CAAMA Radio Photos: National Close The Gap Day Alice Springs 2014
* Closing the Gap speeches, articles and news


- Media Release

SNAICC News: Media release 20 2014 March SNAICC's Statement for National Close the Gap Day

The Shortwave Report 3/21/14 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (March 21) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

NEW PODCAST!!!- feed:// (128kb Highest Quality)

WGAR News: Muckaty legislation hits two year mark: renewed call for nuclear dump plan to be scrapped: BNI

Newsletter date: 21 March 2014


* 3CR Community Radio: Radioactive Show: "Mitch, Aranda/Luritija women sharing her memories hearing about the nuclear waste dump in the NT for the first time"
* Beyond Nuclear Initiative: March 13 - Muckaty legislation hits two year mark: renewed call for nuclear dump plan to be scrapped
* Beyond Nuclear Initiative: NT no place for Sydney’s radioactive waste: time for evidence, not expedience
* Beyond Nuclear Initiative: BNI Support Appeal - Contribute to help stop the Muckaty dump

Sydney Events: 'Pilger joins Aboriginal activists in renewed fight for rights' STICS Public Forum

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 21 March 2014: various locations internationally
UN International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
"Racism continues to cause suffering for millions of
people around the world.... I look to all people to join
the United Nations in our drive to eliminate racism.
We must, individually and collectively,

Brisbane events: Celebrate 2 years of Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy + 'Through Young Black Eyes'

Brisbane and Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

New Event: Sat 22 March 2014: South Brisbane, Qld
Celebrate two years of the Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy
Event details:

Brisbane events: Train-the-trainer workshop 'Through Young Black Eyes' + Voice and Reason + Our Dreaming

Brisbane and Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 25-26 of March 2014: Brisbane, Qld
Train-the-trainer workshop 'Through Young Black Eyes'
"The training team at SNAICC are offering their popular
2-day train-the-trainer workshop "Through Young Black Eyes"
in Brisbane this year. It will be held on the 25-26th of March
and spaces are limited so register now to secure your place!

Tony Abbott's new rip-off laws

Tony Abbott is right now introducing laws that will put the profits of big banks and dodgy financial planners ahead of the savings of working Australians. If we can make enough noise over the next week we can stop him but we have to start right now and it has to start with you.

Can you sign on and tell Tony Abbott not to strip away our protections from big banks and dodgy financial planners?

A letter from Little Red Toolangi Treehouse campsite: Water from a wet forest

A river’s gentle white noise soothes sleep as stars turn through trees, the gift of water - so so special in our dry land. This is the Yea River, a short dawn walk through soft treeferns. It was for hours like this, a gentle though persistent presence to sleep with, till the forest stirred from breeze and leaves countless grow the white noise into a stirring celebration of water, sun and life that is this place - a ‘Great Forest’.


WGAR News: The Contrarian: Truth is the casualty of History Wars: Gary Foley, Tracker

Newsletter date: 20 March 2014


* Aboriginal Peak Organisations NT (APO NT): Aboriginal Governance and Management Program

* Colin Penter, The Stringer: Jeff McMullen: Neoliberalism, market fundamentalism and the colonization of Aboriginal policy

* Gary Foley, Tracker: The Contrarian: Truth is the casualty of History Wars
* Michael Westaway, The Conversation: Why our kids should learn Aboriginal history
* Paul Daley, The Guardian: Historian shines a light on the dark heart of Australia's nationhood

Climate Dark Age

The bad news is planet Earth is already committed to very dangerous climate change. Dr. Michael Jennings published a paper in 2012 showing we are already in the worst case scenario. We'll talk with Dr. Jennings, from the University of Idaho.

We may be saved from utter disaster if an economic collapse comes sooner rather than later. Dr. Sing C. Chew will give us the good news about Dark Ages, and the signs we are entering one now.

Government racism razes Swan Valley Nyungah Community

by Gerry Georgatos - March 18th, 2014 - In breaking news, the Western Australian State Government sent in demolition contractors to raze the vacant residences of the Swan Valley Nyungah Community. Emotions ran high among former residents, many of whom remain homeless. They only learned of the demolition as it was happening such was the clandestine nature of the Government’s underhandedness.


WGAR News: Watch the Let's Talk Treaty discussion: Indigenous radio station 98.9FM Brisbane

Newsletter date: 19 March 2014


* Indigenous radio station 98.9FM Brisbane: Watch the Let's Talk Treaty discussion
[Panelists include, Wayne Butcher, Monica Morgan, Warren Mundine & Nicole Watson, hosted by Tiga Bayles]

* The Wheeler Centre: Intelligence Squared Debate: True Reconciliation Requires a Treaty
[Chaired by Michael Williams, with speakers George Williams, Mark Yettica-Paulson, Mick Dodson, Peter Sutton, Tony Birch & Gregory Phillips]

* 'concerned Australians': In the Absence of Treaties:

Alice Springs: A march against racist policing and racist laws + Darwin: 'Through Young Black Eyes'

Northern Territory Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 27 March 2014, Alice Springs, NT
Rollback the Intervention:
There will be a march against racist policing and racist laws
"Meet at the southern end of todd mall at 11am,
and we will march to the police station.
There will be a BBQ and speakers at the court house lawns afterwards."
"No more racist policing!

WGAR News: Health Impacts of Racism: Jenne Perlstein, ANTaR Victoria

Newsletter date: 18 March 2014


* Michele Harris, 'concerned Australians': Justice (Without Justice there can be no Reconciliation)

* Ron Sutton, SBS World News Radio: PM advised against Race Discrimination Act changes

* Jenne Perlstein, ANTaR Victoria: Health Impacts of Racism

* Rollback the Intervention: 27 March 2014, Alice Springs: there will be a march against racist policing and racist laws

* The Wheeler Centre: Black and Proud: Racism in Sport [Panel including Gilbert McAdam, Dr Sean Gorman and host Angela Pippos]

Canberra events: 'Utopia' + Public Prayer Vigil for Indigenous Justice: Lawns of Parliament House

Canberra Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sun 16 March 2014 2pm: Canberra, ACT
John Pilger's documentary film, 'Utopia'
The Arc Cinema, NFSA's Acton headquarters
"When I began filming this secret Australia 30 years ago,
a global campaign was under way to end apartheid in South Africa.
Having reported from South Africa, I was struck by the similarity


You can not domesticate a unicorn, neither our dreams

This is a communique from some of the individuals involved in the creation of the milkcrate unicorn at the University of Sydney; we don’t speak in the name of everyone that participated in the action.

Before anything else, it would be good to clarify that yes! the unicorn made out of milkcrates at USYD on the 3rd of March is as queer, gay, trans, lesbian, bisexual, and intersex as it can get and we stand with anyone that fights against oppression and therefore those oppressed by this patriarchal heteronormative society.


Wake up Australia! to the machinations of The Thorium Nuclear Lobby - by Christina Macpherson

AUSTRALIA - Wake up!!

Completely under the radar, unknown to mainstream media, nuclear lobby machinations are going on, especially in Victoria and South Australia.

On March 15th, South Australians will elect a Liberal government, and that will hasten the lobby's plans for a nuclear power 'hub' in that state. Long promoted by Prof Barry Brook, Alexander Downer Prof Stefan Simons (BHP funded) and others, the nuclear push gets an extra kick from drive to get nuclear submarines. At present Australia's Defence Minister is in Scotland, researching construction of nuclear submarines.
