
A letter from Little Red Toolangi Treehouse campsite: Water from a wet forest

A river’s gentle white noise soothes sleep as stars turn through trees, the gift of water - so so special in our dry land. This is the Yea River, a short dawn walk through soft treeferns. It was for hours like this, a gentle though persistent presence to sleep with, till the forest stirred from breeze and leaves countless grow the white noise into a stirring celebration of water, sun and life that is this place - a ‘Great Forest’.


Victorian government knowingly driving Leadbeater's Possum to extinction, say scientists

Two distinguished environmental scientists accused the Victorian Government of forestry policies knowingly designed to drive Leadbeater's Possum, one of the two fauna emblems of Victoria, to extinction.

In a letter to, the publication of the Australian Association for the Advancement of Science, Professors David Lindenmayer and Hugh Possingham say, "Government-sanctioned legal logging of the reserve system will significantly increase the chance of extinction of Leadbeater's possum. To the best of our knowledge, and despite state and national threatened species legislation, this is the first time an Australian government has taken calculated actions to substantially reduce the viability of an IUCN-listed endangered species with full knowledge of the likely consequences." (Read full letter reproduced at end of this article)

Petition: Defer the Bill that would lock-in long-term native forest logging | Help Save Leadbeater's Possum | My Environment Appeal 2013 Leadbeater's Possum | Ethical paper pledge


Locals blockade Baillieu’s vandalism of iconic Yarra Valley mountain

Local residents and environmentalists have this morning (4th June) blockaded the Baillieu government’s logging of the Yarra Valley’s most iconic mountain, Mt St Leonard.

Last week, the Baillieu government’s logging company VicForests sent bulldozers in to Mt St Leonard, one of the most controversial logging locations of recent years. Logging on the side of Mt St Leonard can be viewed from as far away as Kinglake and has residents who survived the 2009 fires fuming.
