WGAR News: 6th SNAICC National Conference Communique: 'Over 1,000 people from around Australia gathered in Perth for the 6th SNAICC National Conference'

Newsletter date: 29/30 September 2015


* Communiqué: 6th SNAICC National Conference Communiqué: Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care: http://www.snaicc.org.au/_uploads/rsfil/003600_bbdb.pdf

* Homepage of SNAICC 2015 National Conference - 15-17 September 2015, Perth: http://www.snaicc.org.au/conference/

* Homepage of Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC): http://www.snaicc.org.au/

* WGAR Background: Removal of Aboriginal children and the continuing Stolen Generation

WGAR News postings on Indymedia Australia: https://indymedia.org.au/newswire
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WGAR News - Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

- Communiqué

Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care Inc (SNAICC):
6th SNAICC National Conference Communiqué
"Over one thousand people from around Australia gathered in Perth for the 6th SNAICC National Conference.
As we gathered in Perth we carried our ancestors in our hearts and minds, we walked in their footsteps – carrying forward their love, their fight, their determination and their hope for the future.
We heard over one hundred presentations that provided strong evidence that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander models of services and care are working across the diverse range of situations and places where our people live.
Our communities and families have the capacity to care for our children.
We have the knowledge; we have the skills.
It is time to respect and trust this knowledge, and work with our people and services to provide quality of life for our children.
The cultural strengths of communities, our caregivers – both women and men, should be the basis upon which the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are ensured.
The lack of respect for our culture and our knowledge is a major contributing factor to the over-representation of our children and young people in the child protection system. We are outraged by the discrimination still embedded in the system.
And we despair that we are not being heard. We despair that current funding models are not delivering what is needed on the ground.
We urgently call ... "

- Homepage

SNAICC 2015 National Conference - 15-17 September 2015, Perth
"On behalf of the Secretariat of National Aboriginal & Islander Child Care (SNAICC) and the conference advisory group welcome to the official website for the 6th SNAICC National Conference."

- Homepage

Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC)
"We are a national non government peak body in Australia representing the interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families."

- Background

WGAR Background: Removal of Aboriginal children and the continuing Stolen Generation
(last updated: 21 June 2015)

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WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

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WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)
