Monica Morgan

WGAR News: Upcoming STICS Forum: First Nations Women Speak out for Treaty - Guest Speakers: Rosalie Kunoth-Monks, Amy McQuire, Amala Groom & Natalie Cromb

Newsletter date: 3 March 2015


* Upcoming Event: Fri 20 March 2015 STICS Forum: First Nations Women Speak out for Treaty [Guest Speakers: Rosalie Kunoth-Monks, Amy McQuire, Amala Groom & Natalie Cromb]

* Manifesto: National Aboriginal Freedom Movement: Aboriginal Sovereign Manifesto of Demands

WGAR News: Aboriginal Peoples and the impact of the 2014 Federal Budget

Newsletter date: 20 May 2014


* Amy McQuire, The Guardian: Cash for jails: Tony Abbott's budget for Indigenous Australia

* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: "Warren Mundine, show your face," Tauto Sansbury [Featuring Tauto Sansbury]

* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Chris Graham speaking about and breaking down the recently announced Australian Budget
* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Mary Graham & Monica Morgan about the upcoming Budget announcement


WGAR News: Anderson: Unite for the common cause to defeat this 'Deceit by Fraud': Sovereign Union

Newsletter date: 20 April 2014


* Aboriginal Provisional Government: APG to meet in Adelaide [6 May 2014: Kensington, Adelaide, SA]
* Sovereign Union: Anderson: Unite for the common cause to defeat this 'Deceit by Fraud'
* Angus McAllen, Green Left: Brisbane Aboriginal embassy vows to continue the struggle [Featuring Boe Spearim]
* NIRS: 'Nation-to-nation' agreements needed: Monica Morgan
* Sovereign Union: AMANDLA Global Assemblies of Afrikan People's Power
* Aboriginal Sovereignty interviews, articles and events

* Greens MLC Robin Chapple: Stolen Wages

WGAR News: Watch the Let's Talk Treaty discussion: Indigenous radio station 98.9FM Brisbane

Newsletter date: 19 March 2014


* Indigenous radio station 98.9FM Brisbane: Watch the Let's Talk Treaty discussion
[Panelists include, Wayne Butcher, Monica Morgan, Warren Mundine & Nicole Watson, hosted by Tiga Bayles]

* The Wheeler Centre: Intelligence Squared Debate: True Reconciliation Requires a Treaty
[Chaired by Michael Williams, with speakers George Williams, Mark Yettica-Paulson, Mick Dodson, Peter Sutton, Tony Birch & Gregory Phillips]

* 'concerned Australians': In the Absence of Treaties:

WGAR News: 'Wiradjuri Central West Republic' raise flag of Independence: Enlightning Productions

Newsletter date: 27 January 2014


* 98.9FM: Smashing The Myths: "Reconciliation = Justice" [Featuring Dr Gary Foley, Monica Morgan, Wayne Wharton, Michael Mansell and Amy McQuire]

* Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union: Latest Declaration of Independence and the web of controls we need to free ourselves from
* Enlightning Productions, YouTube: 'Wiradjuri Central West Republic' raise flag of Independence
* Enlightning Productions, YouTube: Eddie Turpin on Mbarbaram Declaration of Independence
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement

WGAR News: Calling all Aboriginal Nations to Canberra 9 am 23 - 24 November 2013: Sovereign Union

Newsletter date: 25 October 2013


* Calling all Aboriginal Nations to Canberra 9 am 23 - 24 November 2013: Sovereign Union National Meeting on asserting our sovereignty
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies

* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Gary Foley, Historian and veteran Aboriginal rights campaigner

* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Monica Morgan, Manager of the Indigenous Rights Program at Amnesty International Australia

* CAAMA Audio: Do we really know our history? [Featuring Professor Ian Clark]