The Stringer

WGAR News: The Government's retrogressive Indigenous Advancement Strategy: Michele Madigan, Eureka Street

Newsletter date: 3 July 2015


* Analysis / Opinion: Michele Madigan, Eureka Street: The Government's retrogressive Indigenous Advancement Strategy

* Petition: Sr Michele Madigan, Chairperson Kaurna/ Narungga Elder Dr Alitya Rigney & Josephite SA Reconciliation Circle:
Petition: Restore Funding Needed for South Australian Aboriginal Communities' Survival

WGAR News: Stories from the long grass: The daily struggle to survive for Darwin's growing number of homeless Indigenous people: Ruby Jones, ABC News

Newsletter date: 1 July 2015


* Stories & Photos: Ruby Jones, ABC News: Stories from the long grass: The daily struggle to survive for Darwin's growing number of homeless Indigenous people

* Video: Odyssey Visuals, YouTube: Homeless friendly precincts campaign:

WGAR News: Solidarity interview with Mitch Torres, SOS Blak Australia: WA community closures: 'Keep marching, keep up the pressure'

Newsletter date: 22 June 2015


* Interview with Mitch Torres, SOS Blak Australia based in the Kimberley: Solidarity Online: WA community closures: 'Keep marching, keep up the pressure'

* Analysis / Opinion: Paddy Gibson, The Stringer: Assimilation and the push to close communities

* Bio: Paddy Gibson - The Stringer


WGAR News: How many more kids stolen, how many more jailed, how many more must suicide?: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer

Newsletter date: 21 June 2015


* Analysis / Opinion: Matt Wordsworth, ABC News: Youth suicide at crisis levels among Indigenous population, experts warn

* Analysis / Opinion: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: How many more kids stolen, how many more jailed, how many more must suicide?

* Analysis / Opinion: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: When the right people lead then lives will be saved

WGAR News: Stop it! Justice Reinvestment is not a solution - Do not sell out another generation with more lies: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer

Newsletter date: 14 June 2015


* Analysis / Opinion: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Stop it! Justice Reinvestment is not a solution - Do not sell out another generation with more lies

* Analysis / Opinion: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Deaths in custody decreasing but the prison experience takes lives post release

* News Analysis: The Stringer: Custody Notification Service prevents Aboriginal deaths in police cell custody

WGAR News: Shutting down Australia: day of action on remote communities: Ninah Kopel, The Wire [Featuring Lavene Ngatokorua, Shaun Harris & Alice Haines]

Newsletter date:  3 June 2015


* Audio Interview: Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Stephen Atkinson from Shutdown Australia
[Ed. note: Stephen discusses the threat of closures by "stealth" in South Australia]
* Podcasts: Let's Talk - 98.9 FM:

WGAR News: Filmmaker Fee Plumley's YouTube films of speeches at the Sorry Day Stolen Generation rally in Perth

Newsletter date: 30 May 2015


* Analysis / Opinion: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: More children taken today than in Stolen Generations 1903-1970
* Bio: Gerry Georgatos - The Stringer
* About Us - The Stringer:

WGAR News: SOSBlakAustralia Third Global Call To Action - Stop the forced closure of Aboriginal Communities: 26-27-28 June 2015

Newsletter date: 26 May 2015


* Upcoming Event: 26-27-28 June 2015: SOSBlakAustralia Third Global Call To Action - Stop the forced closure of Aboriginal Communities

* News Analysis: Emily Burley, Coffs Coast Advocate: Rally against forced community closures

* News Analysis: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: "Only in body bags," say Jigalong residents. "They do nothing for us," say Roebourne residents