Kirstie Parker

WGAR News: Aboriginal Australian Communities Send a Powerful Message to Government: Stop the Forced Closure of Aboriginal Communities

Newsletter date: 24 March 2015


* Analysis / Opinion: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Here is part of the list of threatened Homelands - "remote communities"

WGAR News: Aboriginal Peoples and the impact of the 2014 Federal Budget

Newsletter date: 20 May 2014


* Amy McQuire, The Guardian: Cash for jails: Tony Abbott's budget for Indigenous Australia

* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: "Warren Mundine, show your face," Tauto Sansbury [Featuring Tauto Sansbury]

* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Chris Graham speaking about and breaking down the recently announced Australian Budget
* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Mary Graham & Monica Morgan about the upcoming Budget announcement


Background: Opposition to proposed Racial Discrimination Act (RDA) changes

Last updated: 4 May 2014

- Compilations

WGAR News: ... (4 May 14)
"Contents: ...
* Tim Soutphommasane, Australian Human Rights Commission: No case for changing race laws, says Race Discrimination Commissioner
* Australian Human Rights Commission: Racial Discrimination: Commission responds to Exposure Draft
* Chris Slee, Green Left: Meeting discusses Racial Discrimination Act changes
* Delia Lawrie, Territory Labor: Territory Law Plan to Tackle Racism


WGAR News: Closing the gap that scars Australia: stop our mob from dying prematurely: The Guardian

Newsletter date: 13 February 2014


* Mick Gooda and Kirstie Parker, The Guardian: Closing the gap that scars Australia: stop our mob from dying prematurely
* The Wire: Meaningful engagement with Aboriginal communities is key
* The Wire: State cuts to Indigenous Education at odds with Closing the Gap
* NACCHO Press Release CTG report: Investment in Aboriginal community controlled health key to closing the gap
* NACCHO member news: Apunipima Cape York Health Council welcomes the Close the Gap Report and continued investment into Aboriginal health services


WGAR News: Congress to hold urgent meetings with members and supporters [around Australia]: SNAICC

Newsletter date: 20 January 2014


* National Congress of Australia's First Peoples - A National Voice
* Congress: Message from Co-Chairs Les Malezer and Kirstie Parker
* SNAICC News: Defunding of NATSILS and Congress raises major concerns
* SNAICC News: Congress to hold urgent meetings with members and supporters
* Congress Events: Unite & Support Strong Black Voices
* Brooke Boney, NITV News: Audit chief: No guarantee Indigenous spending will be immune from cuts
* Background to National Congress of Australia's First Peoples

WGAR News: Living Black Radio's Marc Tong interviews Kirstie Parker: Congress Opposes RDA Amendments

Newsletter date: 2 December 2013


* SBS Living Black Radio's Marc Tong interviews Co-Chair of Congress Kirstie Parker: Congress Opposes RDA Amendments
* Geoffrey Brahm Levey & Helen Pringle, ABC The Drum: Why the 'Bolt laws' should stay
* ABC Lateline: "Professor Gillian Triggs, the President of the Australian Human Rights Commission discusses freedom of speech."
* Marina Freri, SBS Radionews: Groups combine to oppose Racial Discrimination Act change
* Brooke Boney, NITV News: Attorney-General under fire over Racial Discrimination Act
