The Age

WGAR News: Radioactive racism in the Wild West - WA takes aim at remote communities: Mia Pepper, Eco-Shout

Newsletter date: 27 April 2015


* Analysis / Opinion: Mia Pepper, Eco-Shout: Radioactive racism in the Wild West - WA takes aim at remote communities

* Video Special report back: Paddy Gibson, Stop the Intervention: First Nations Peoples and Australian Government Policy - What happened to the Intervention?
[Paddy also discussed of how the policy architecture of the Intervention is expanding across the country to include the threat of closure of WA homelands]

WGAR News: Invasion Day / Survival Day Rallies and Marches Across Australia: NITV News; SBS News; Occupy Sydney

Newsletter date: 28 January 2015


* Video: NITV News - 26 January 2015: Invasion Day Marches and Rallies in Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane
* Video: SBS News: 'Survival Day' marked across Australia
* News: Occupy Sydney: Invasion/Survival Day Rallies Across Australia

* Hobart
-- News: Daniel McCulloch, The Examiner: Change the date campaign ramps up

WGAR News: The day I don't feel Australian? That would be Australia Day: Chelsea Bond, The Conversation

Newsletter date: 27 January 2015


* Video: NITV News - 26 January 2015: Invasion Day Marches and Rallies in Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane

WGAR News: Lest We Forget The Wars on Our Soil: Lovette Williams, The Wire; featuring Michael Anderson

Newsletter date: 26 April 2014


* Euahlayi Peoples Republic: Euahlayi Rates dispute subpoena is 'oppressive' for the Crown: NSW Supreme Court
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement

* Lovette Williams, The Wire: Lest We Forget The Wars on Our Soil [Featuring Michael Anderson]
* Michael Mansell, Aboriginal Provisional Government: ANZAC celebrations hide Australia's shame - double standards on historic sacrifice- no monuments or holidays for the Aboriginal fallen
* Carolyn Webb, The Age: City of Melbourne plans memorial to indigenous men executed in 1842

WGAR News: Closing the gap that scars Australia: stop our mob from dying prematurely: The Guardian

Newsletter date: 13 February 2014


* Mick Gooda and Kirstie Parker, The Guardian: Closing the gap that scars Australia: stop our mob from dying prematurely
* The Wire: Meaningful engagement with Aboriginal communities is key
* The Wire: State cuts to Indigenous Education at odds with Closing the Gap
* NACCHO Press Release CTG report: Investment in Aboriginal community controlled health key to closing the gap
* NACCHO member news: Apunipima Cape York Health Council welcomes the Close the Gap Report and continued investment into Aboriginal health services


WGAR News: Coalition's proposed cuts 'a heartless decision' says ALSWA: Aboriginal Legal Service WA

Newsletter date: 9 September 2013

Editorial Note:

'WGAR News' monitors the media, including alternative media.
'WGAR News' gives priority to grassroots Aboriginal voices and grassroots voices in solidarity with Aboriginal peoples' rights.
'WGAR News' publishes information and opinions from a wide range of sources.
These opinions expressed are not necessarily the opinions of WGAR.
As such, 'WGAR News' does not endorse any particular political party, but simply includes information on political parties for the interest of readers.


Fair go Fairfax - Don't discount journalism

Working journalists at Fairfax Media are engaged in a fight for their future and the future of their newspapers. The announcement this week by Fairfax management that they intend to rip $25 million out of the cost of running their major metropolitan mastheads, The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age by sacking up to 100 subeditors and other production staff, is a plan that risks irrevocable damage to these loved and respected newspapers.
