NT intervention

WGAR News: The Intervention - An Anthology - Time for a National Debate: Nicole Watson interviewed by Donna Campbell on Strong Voices, CAAMA Radio

Newsletter date: 28/29 September 2015; last updated 28 September 2015, 8pm AEST


* Audio Interview: Donna Campbell on Strong Voices interviews Nicole Watson, a Birri-Gubba woman & (former) senior Lecturer, UTS
CAAMA Radio: The Intervention - An Anthology - Time for a National Debate

WGAR News: Melbourne Launch of New Book, 'The Intervention - an Anthology', is Very Timely. - 'cA' Media Release

Newsletter date: 24 September 2015, 7:45am AEST


* Media Release: 'concerned Australians': New Book, 'The Intervention - an Anthology', is Very Timely.
published by 'concerned Australians'; edited by Rosie Scott and Dr Anita Heiss

New Book, 'The Intervention - an Anthology', is Very Timely. - 'concerned Australians' Media Release

EMBARGO 7.30am.

24th September MEDIA RELEASE ‘concerned Australians’

New Book, "The Intervention - an Anthology", is Very Timely.

Consultation, Consultation, Consultation !!!

In the second half of 2015 it is becoming clearer that many Aboriginal people and their communities "are now so fed up with Government orchestration of the so called policy consultation process that they are asserting their right to discuss the issues on their own and where necessary challenge or resist the oppression," Jeff McMullen AO.

Alice Springs Day of Action against forced community closures

On Sunday June 28 over 100 people gathered in Alice Springs for a Day of Action in response to forced community closures happening in WA and NT. The messages for the day were 'Stand up for people, country and culture. End the NT Intervention. Stop forced community closures.'

Footage from the Day of Action can be seen at:



WGAR News: Indigenous leaders suspect remote NT communities will be closed: Helen Davidson, The Guardian

Newsletter date: 7 June 2015; last updated 15 June


* Upcoming anniversary march & rally: 3pm, 21 June 2015: NT Intervention - Stolen Futures - 8 Years of Racist shame!

* News Analysis: Helen Davidson, The Guardian: Indigenous leaders suspect remote NT communities will be closed