compulsory income management

WGAR News: Cashless welfare card could breach right to privacy - human rights committee: Petition update: Kerry Arch,

Newsletter date: 4 October 2015


* Petition update: Kerry Arch, Cashless welfare card could breach right to privacy - human rights committee

* Petition: Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull: Stop Income Management and the Healthy Welfare Card

* WGAR Background: Intervention into Northern Territory (NT) Aboriginal communities by the Federal government

WGAR News: The NT Intervention - Six Years On: Barbara Shaw, New Matilda

Newsletter date: 23 June 2013


* Barbara Shaw, New Matilda: The NT Intervention - Six Years On
* Paul Bleakley, Australian Times UK: Intervention marks 6 years, as community questions impact
* ACOSS, NWRN & St Vincent de Paul Society: Joint Statement: Six years of the NT Intervention is six years too long
* The Wire: Stronger Futures? [Featuring Paddy Gibson and Kylie Sambo]
* The Wire: Major parties agree on what one expert calls a piece of 'apartheid' in Oz [Featuring Dr Ruth Phillips]

WGAR News: Barb Shaw shares her thoughts on income management: CAAMA Radio

Newsletter date: 8 May 2013


* CAAMA Radio: Barb Shaw shares her thoughts on income management
* Nicola Butler: The Stringer: The case against compulsory income management
* Northern Territory (NT) News
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws

* The Wire: Indigenous midwives; Why we need more
* Tracker: Births more deadly for Aboriginal mothers

* Tracker: Don't forget needs of Indigenous in NDIS: Group

* SBS Radionews Audio: Plan to save SA's Barngarla language