Aboriginal people

WGAR News: Maori Party issues scathing letter to Tony Abbott regarding treatment of Aboriginal people: Claire Trevett, New Zealand Herald

Newsletter date: 22 April 2015


* Analysis / Opinion: Belinda Grant Geary, Daily Mail Australia: 'The first thing that strikes me about Australia is how racist this place is': Writer claims our treatment of Aborigines is WORSE than apartheid South Africa
* Analysis / Opinion: Sisonke Msimang, Africa is a Country: Is There a Place Where White People Are More Committed to Faux Race Blindness than South Africa?

WGAR News: Anderson: You cannot benefit from murder ... Time does not erase murder: Sovereign Union

Newsletter date: 25 May 2014


* Sovereign Union: Anderson: You cannot benefit from murder ... Time does not erase murder
* Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy: Mega-charities killing Aboriginal people
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies

* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: The Loner - Black protest music to bring on the hope

* Nadine Schoen, The Stringer: Aboriginal issues, in the context of a capitalist system
* Nadine Schoen, Green Left: Way forward for Aboriginal struggle

WGAR News: Police Checks Targeting Aboriginal People In The NT: Max Chalmers & Frances Mao, New Matilda

Newsletter date: 30 April 2014


* 'concerned Australians': Survey of Aboriginal Adults residing outside the Northern Territory on The Intervention and Stronger Futures Legislation, Constitutional Change and Treaties
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Peoples
* Background to Treaties with Aboriginal Sovereign Nations of Australia

* Australian Government: Department of the Senate: Notification of disallowance


WGAR News: Health Impacts of Racism: Jenne Perlstein, ANTaR Victoria

Newsletter date: 18 March 2014


* Michele Harris, 'concerned Australians': Justice (Without Justice there can be no Reconciliation)

* Ron Sutton, SBS World News Radio: PM advised against Race Discrimination Act changes

* Jenne Perlstein, ANTaR Victoria: Health Impacts of Racism

* Rollback the Intervention: 27 March 2014, Alice Springs: there will be a march against racist policing and racist laws

* The Wheeler Centre: Black and Proud: Racism in Sport [Panel including Gilbert McAdam, Dr Sean Gorman and host Angela Pippos]

WGAR News: How to support the Aboriginal people in their struggle for justice: JohnPilger.com

Newsletter date: 26 December 2013


* John Pilger, The Stringer: John Pilger goes back to his homeland to investigate Australia's dirtiest secret
* JohnPilger.com : How to support the Aboriginal people in their struggle for justice
* Upcoming Australian screenings of John Pilger's documentary film, 'Utopia'
* WGAR News: Interview - John Pilger exposes Australia's shocking secret in Utopia: Australian Times (24 Nov 13)
* Respect and Listen: Utopia
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention

WGAR News: 'Close the Gap' - failed: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer

Newsletter date: 23 November 2013


* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: 'Close the Gap' - failed
* The Wire: Slowly, closing the gap [Featuring Jack Bulman and Associate Professor Gracelyn Smallwood]
* Greens Senator Rachel Siewert: Policy change needed to close the gap
* SNAICC News: COAG report - Lessons for federal reform
* NACCHO AGM Perth 2013 health news: Aboriginal life expectancy increases to Close the Gap
* ABC The World Today: Positive news from efforts to 'close the gap'


WGAR News: Let's Talk interviews Gerry Georgatos on Justice Reinvestment & Aboriginal imprisonment

Newsletter date: 31 August 2013


* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Gerry Georgatos about Justice Reinvestment and Aboriginal imprisonment
* Greens WA spokesperson on Aboriginal issues, Robin Chapple MLC: Justice reinvestment or more prisons
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Prisoners Justice Day, not enough being done
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Magistrate laments mandatory sentencing laws

* ABC The World Today: Indigenous women the fastest-growing demographic among prisoners: report