constitutional recognition

WGAR News: "If Tony Abbott badly wants it, it won't be in the interests of First Nations people and will be in the interests of international mining giants".

Newsletter date: 6 July 2015, 5:30pm AEST; last updated 7 July 2015, 12:59pm AEST


* News & Photos: SBS News: Indigenous protesters call for a Treaty

* Timeline Photos: Sovereign Union, facebook: Constitutional Recognition - The arguments that mainstream media is hiding from you

* Audio: Ninah Kopel, The Wire: A step closer to Recognition [featuring Alice Haines, organiser of protest for Sovereignty & Treaty]


WGAR News: Callout: 6th July Darling Harbour, Sydney, protest against assimilation into the colonial Constitution: Ghillar Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union

Newsletter date: 2 July 2015


* Media Release: Ghillar Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union: Callout: 6th July Darling Harbour, Sydney, protest against assimilation into the colonial Constitution

* Media Release: Ghillar Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union: WARNING: re government's establishment of First Nations Assembly at Native Title Conference

* About Sovereign Union and our Organisational Structure

WGAR News: Decolonisation: to be or not to be included in the Constitution?: Ghillar Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union

Newsletter date: 16 June 2015


* Survey Results: IndigenousX: Constitutional Recognition Survey [Data Analysis by Celeste Liddle and Survey Conducted by IndigenousX]

* Media Release & Discussion Paper: Ghillar Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union: Decolonisation: to be or not to be included in the Constitution?


WGAR News: Aboriginal 'recognition' - a cover for assimilation: Paddy Gibson, The Stringer

Newsletter date: 18 March 2015


* Analysis / Opinion: Paddy Gibson, The Stringer: Aboriginal 'recognition' - a cover for assimilation

* Media Release: Ghillar Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union: Governments are attempting to steal our original sovereign citizenship and independence

* Media Release: Callum Clayton-Dixon (Nganyaywana), Aboriginal Provisional Government: Let's vote for independence, not assimilation!


WGAR News: Police Checks Targeting Aboriginal People In The NT: Max Chalmers & Frances Mao, New Matilda

Newsletter date: 30 April 2014


* 'concerned Australians': Survey of Aboriginal Adults residing outside the Northern Territory on The Intervention and Stronger Futures Legislation, Constitutional Change and Treaties
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Peoples
* Background to Treaties with Aboriginal Sovereign Nations of Australia

* Australian Government: Department of the Senate: Notification of disallowance


WGAR News: Michael Mansell talks TREATY - Brisbane Blacks interview: Aboriginal Provisional Government

Newsletter date: 7 March 2014


* Aboriginal Provisional Government: Michael Mansell talks TREATY - Brisbane Blacks interview
* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Aunty Lilla Watson and Mary Graham about Treaties and Constitutional Recognition
* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Chris Graham about Warren Mundine’s Treaty comments, Utopia by John Pilger and Constitutional Recognition
* Background to Treaties with Aboriginal Sovereign Nations of Australia
* Background to Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Peoples

WGAR News: Melbourne Conversations - Constitutional Recognition of Australia's first peoples: YouTube

Newsletter date: 12 November 2013


* Michael Mansell, Secretary, Aboriginal Provisional Government: Constitutional reform: assimilation or self determination

* YouTube: Melbourne Conversations - Constitutional Recognition of Australia's first peoples
[Featuring: Panelists: Prof. Kerry Arabena, Prof. George Williams AO and Chris Graham; Moderator: Melissa Castan]

* Background to Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Peoples

WGAR News: The Republic of Murrawarri and Indigenous Self-Determination: Intercontinental Cry

Newsletter date: 13 August 2013


* First Peoples Worldwide, Cultural Survival: Aboriginals Create the World's Newest Government [Featuring the Republic of Murrawarri]
* Curtis Kline, Intercontinental Cry Magazine: The Republic of Murrawarri and Indigenous Self-Determination
* Indian Country Today Media Network: World's Newest Sovereign Nation: Meet Murrawarri, From Down Under
* Background to the Murrawarri Republic

* Cathy Lawless, Socialist Alternative: The con of constitutional recognition

Background to constitutional recognition of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples

Last updated: 30 April 2014

- Compilations

WGAR News: 'concerned Australians': Survey of Aboriginal Adults residing outside the Northern Territory on The Intervention and Stronger Futures Legislation, Constitutional Change and Treaties (30 Apr 14)
[scroll down page]

WGAR News: ... (7 Mar 14)
"Contents: ...
