Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Peoples

WGAR News: A different point of view: Treaty interviews with Tauto Sansbury & Rosalie Kunoth Monks on CAAMA Radio

Newsletter date: 9 September 2015; last updated 6:50pm AEST


* Upcoming Event: WGAR News: Demand Our Treaty: Rosalie Kunoth-Monks Calls for First Nations People to Attend Summit in Alice Springs 11-13 September 2015

* Audio on Treaty: Justin Fenwick, The Wire: A Way Forward to Treaty [featuring Rosalie Kunoth Monks, Tauto Sansbury & Jim Remedio]

WGAR News: National Aboriginal meeting to consider constitutional recognition and alternatives: Aboriginal Provisional Government (APG)

Newsletter date: 20 August 2015


* Media Release: Aboriginal Provisional Government: National Aboriginal meeting to consider constitutional recognition and alternatives

* Press Releases & Updates: Aboriginal Provisional Government:


WGAR News: Why Deafening Silence: on Constitutional Recognition?: Ghillar Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union

Newsletter date: 19 August 2015


* Media Release: Ghillar Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union: Why Deafening Silence: on Constitutional Recognition?

* Links for access to independent 'Constitutional Recognition' articles

* About Sovereign Union and our Organisational Structure

* News: The Gympie Times: Police praised on bail compromise in native title row [featuring Aboriginal sovereignty advocate Wit Boooka]

WGAR News: Do we really need constitutional recognition? CAAMA Radio: featuring Paddy Gibson, an Aboriginal rights campaigner who was among the protesters at Monday's rally

Newsletter date: 10 July 2015


* facebook: Vote 'NO' To Constitutional Change:


WGAR News: Michael Mansell talks TREATY - Brisbane Blacks interview: Aboriginal Provisional Government

Newsletter date: 7 March 2014


* Aboriginal Provisional Government: Michael Mansell talks TREATY - Brisbane Blacks interview
* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Aunty Lilla Watson and Mary Graham about Treaties and Constitutional Recognition
* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Chris Graham about Warren Mundine’s Treaty comments, Utopia by John Pilger and Constitutional Recognition
* Background to Treaties with Aboriginal Sovereign Nations of Australia
* Background to Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Peoples

WGAR News: Arguing the Intervention: Jon Altman, Journal of Indigenous Policy [39 essays by Jon]

Newsletter date: 17 September 2013


* Jon Altman, Journal of Indigenous Policy: Arguing the Intervention [Special Issue: Collection of 39 essays by Jon Altman on the NT Intervention]
* Jon Altman, Tracker: Evidently: Stand against Indigenous poverty
* The Wire: Another military-style Indigenous intervention? [Featuring Chairperson for NACCHO, Justin Mohamad]
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws

WGAR News: The Republic of Murrawarri and Indigenous Self-Determination: Intercontinental Cry

Newsletter date: 13 August 2013


* First Peoples Worldwide, Cultural Survival: Aboriginals Create the World's Newest Government [Featuring the Republic of Murrawarri]
* Curtis Kline, Intercontinental Cry Magazine: The Republic of Murrawarri and Indigenous Self-Determination
* Indian Country Today Media Network: World's Newest Sovereign Nation: Meet Murrawarri, From Down Under
* Background to the Murrawarri Republic

* Cathy Lawless, Socialist Alternative: The con of constitutional recognition