Stronger Futures

WGAR News: The Intervention - An Anthology - Time for a National Debate: Nicole Watson interviewed by Donna Campbell on Strong Voices, CAAMA Radio

Newsletter date: 28/29 September 2015; last updated 28 September 2015, 8pm AEST


* Audio Interview: Donna Campbell on Strong Voices interviews Nicole Watson, a Birri-Gubba woman & (former) senior Lecturer, UTS
CAAMA Radio: The Intervention - An Anthology - Time for a National Debate

WGAR News: Melbourne Launch of New Book, 'The Intervention - an Anthology', is Very Timely. - 'cA' Media Release

Newsletter date: 24 September 2015, 7:45am AEST


* Media Release: 'concerned Australians': New Book, 'The Intervention - an Anthology', is Very Timely.
published by 'concerned Australians'; edited by Rosie Scott and Dr Anita Heiss

New Book, 'The Intervention - an Anthology', is Very Timely. - 'concerned Australians' Media Release

EMBARGO 7.30am.

24th September MEDIA RELEASE ‘concerned Australians’

New Book, "The Intervention - an Anthology", is Very Timely.

Consultation, Consultation, Consultation !!!

In the second half of 2015 it is becoming clearer that many Aboriginal people and their communities "are now so fed up with Government orchestration of the so called policy consultation process that they are asserting their right to discuss the issues on their own and where necessary challenge or resist the oppression," Jeff McMullen AO.

WGAR News: Aboriginal controlled health services can close the gap in employment: NACCHO

Newsletter date: 30 May 2014


* NACCHO: Aboriginal controlled health services can close the gap in employment
* Eduardo Jordan, The Wire: Are we really closing the gap? [Featuring Greg Craven and Justin Mohamed]
* NACCHO: Fears Tony Abbott will widen Indigenous health gap
* The Stringer: Who do we believe? Different findings, Reform Council & Close the Gap
* Marie McInerney, Croakey: Latest 'close the gap' update on Indigenous health underlines alarm over #Budget2014 cuts
* Michael McKenna, The Australian: Health overhaul closes the gap

WGAR News: SBS TV: Watch John Pilger's 'Utopia', on Saturday 31st May 2014, 8:35pm SBSONE

Newsletter date: 27 May 2014


* : Utopia, John Pilger's latest film, to be broadcast on SBS Australia on 31 May
* Chris Graham, New Matilda: Utopia: The Inside Story
* The Stringer: A long way to go for 'Utopia'
* Background to 'Utopia', John Pilger's documentary film about Aboriginal people in Australia
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention


- News

WGAR News: Police Checks Targeting Aboriginal People In The NT: Max Chalmers & Frances Mao, New Matilda

Newsletter date: 30 April 2014


* 'concerned Australians': Survey of Aboriginal Adults residing outside the Northern Territory on The Intervention and Stronger Futures Legislation, Constitutional Change and Treaties
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws
* Background to Constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Peoples
* Background to Treaties with Aboriginal Sovereign Nations of Australia

* Australian Government: Department of the Senate: Notification of disallowance


WGAR News: [Alice Springs] March against Racial Laws and Racist Policing: CAAMA Radio

Newsletter date: 30 March 2014


* CAAMA Radio: March against Racial Laws and Racist Policing
* CAAMA: Racism Rally In Alice Springs
* Tara Callinan, NITV News: 'Racist' alcohol laws and policing spark protest in Alice Springs [Featuring Barbara Shaw, demonstration organiser]
* Mikaela Simpson, The Wire: Rally accuses police of racism [Featuring Alison Furber, rally organiser]
* CAAMA Radio: Police harassment - race profiling angers Centralian mob! [Featuring Alison Furber]
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention


WGAR News: petition for 'Treaty' & 'In the Absence of Treaty' book-launches by 'cA'

Newsletter date: 21 January 2014


* TREATY - petition for Treaty - please sign and share

* 'concerned Australians' Sydney Book launch - Tue 28 January 2014: 'In the Absence of Treaty' [Launched by Rosalie Kunoth-Monks & Jeff McMullen]
* 'concerned Australians' Canberra Book launch - Thu 6 February 2014: 'In the Absence of Treaty' [Speakers: Graeme Mundine & John Falzon]
* 'concerned Australians' Melbourne Book launch: 'In the Absence of Treaty' Unfortunately this event is already booked out
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention