WGAR News: Aboriginal protest continues as Australian PM plans visit to New Zealand: Online News Team, Maori Television
Submitted by WGAR - Working ... on Tue, 14/04/2015 - 7:53pmNewsletter date: 16 April 2015
Newsletter date: 16 April 2015
Newsletter date: 23 December 2014
Newsletter date: 24 November 2014
Last updated: 26 November 2014
WGAR News Public Google Group: https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en-GB#!forum/wgar-news
WGAR News - Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)
Newsletter date: 30 May 2014
* NACCHO: Aboriginal controlled health services can close the gap in employment
* Eduardo Jordan, The Wire: Are we really closing the gap? [Featuring Greg Craven and Justin Mohamed]
* NACCHO: Fears Tony Abbott will widen Indigenous health gap
* The Stringer: Who do we believe? Different findings, Reform Council & Close the Gap
* Marie McInerney, Croakey: Latest 'close the gap' update on Indigenous health underlines alarm over #Budget2014 cuts
* Michael McKenna, The Australian: Health overhaul closes the gap
Newsletter date: 3 May 2014
* Change.org Petition: Racism Ruins Lives - Keep Section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act
* CommunityRun Petition: 'Stop the changes to the Racial Discrimination Act: Don't remove Section 18c'.
* Michelle Lovegrove, Living Black Radio: Racial Discrimination Is About All Of Us [Featuring Michael Nolan who set up a petition via the community website Community Run]
* Tasmanian Aboriginal Centre Inc.: Proposed changes to the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth)
Newsletter date: 24 July 2013
* SNAICC News: SNAICC welcomes appointment of Mr Andrew Jackomos [as first Commissioner for Aboriginal Children and Youth]
* Australian Human Rights Commission: Victorian appointment for Aboriginal children and young people
* Tracker: Vic gets commissioner for Koori youth
* SNAICC News: National Aboriginal and Islander Children's Day - 4 August 2013
* Human Rights Law Centre (HRLC) Submission - Alcohol Mandatory Treatment Bill 2013 (NT)
* Background to the NT Alcohol Mandatory Treatment Bill
Newsletter date: 19 June 2013
* NACCHO chair: Progress report on Closing the Gap proves best results are through community groups
* The Stringer: Austerity cuts hit Closing the Gap
* NACCHO News: NACCHO CEO appointed to new Aboriginal Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Advisory Group
* The Stringer: Suicide prevention phone app designed for Aboriginal people in the remote
* NACCHO health education news: NACCHO signs Landmark Aboriginal medical education agreement
* NACCHO media news: NACCHO CEO Lisa Briggs to host IndigenousX Excellence this week