Respect and Listen compilation - The Intervention - an Anthology

WGAR News: The Intervention - An Anthology - Time for a National Debate: Nicole Watson interviewed by Donna Campbell on Strong Voices, CAAMA Radio

Newsletter date: 28/29 September 2015; last updated 28 September 2015, 8pm AEST


* Audio Interview: Donna Campbell on Strong Voices interviews Nicole Watson, a Birri-Gubba woman & (former) senior Lecturer, UTS
CAAMA Radio: The Intervention - An Anthology - Time for a National Debate

WGAR News: Melbourne Launch of New Book, 'The Intervention - an Anthology', is Very Timely. - 'cA' Media Release

Newsletter date: 24 September 2015, 7:45am AEST


* Media Release: 'concerned Australians': New Book, 'The Intervention - an Anthology', is Very Timely.
published by 'concerned Australians'; edited by Rosie Scott and Dr Anita Heiss

WGAR News: Upcoming Events: The Intervention an Anthology book launches + Building Bridges 2015

Newsletter date: 2 August 2015; last updated 10:45am AEST to include Intervention anthology launch on 2 September 2015 Sydney


Respect and Listen Compilation: The Intervention: an Anthology: