David Liddle

WGAR News: Gutting the Racial Discrimination Act: Ray Jackson, President, ISJA: Sovereign Union

Newsletter date: 28 March 2014


* Ray Jackson, President of the Indigenous Social Justice Association: Sovereign Union: Gutting the Racial Discrimination Act
* Dr Chelsea Bond, ABC Indigenous: Andrew Bolt isn't a racist, but ...
* Congress: Proposed changes to the RDA threaten racial cohesion
* National Congress (congress mob) on Twitter: Submissions on changes to #RDA can be sent to s18cconsultation@ag.gov.au
* Tara Callinan, NITV News: Data shows Aussies believe it should be unlawful to make racial insults: Researcher


WGAR News: Health Impacts of Racism: Jenne Perlstein, ANTaR Victoria

Newsletter date: 18 March 2014


* Michele Harris, 'concerned Australians': Justice (Without Justice there can be no Reconciliation)

* Ron Sutton, SBS World News Radio: PM advised against Race Discrimination Act changes

* Jenne Perlstein, ANTaR Victoria: Health Impacts of Racism

* Rollback the Intervention: 27 March 2014, Alice Springs: there will be a march against racist policing and racist laws

* The Wheeler Centre: Black and Proud: Racism in Sport [Panel including Gilbert McAdam, Dr Sean Gorman and host Angela Pippos]

WGAR News: Stolen Generations test case dismissed: Greg Dyett with Ryan Emery, SBS Radionews

Newsletter date: 29 December 2013


* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: WA Supreme Court in an unbelievable decision dismisses Stolen Generations compensation claim
* Greg Dyett with Ryan Emery, SBS Radionews: Stolen Generations test case dismissed
* David Liddle, NITV News: The Royal Commission 'ignores members of the Stolen Generations'

* Marc Tong, SBS Living Black Radio: NT Specialist Doctor Resigns Over Mandatory Rehabilitation
* Greens Senator Rachel Siewert: Federal Government needs to engage on NT alcohol policies