Wake up Australia! to the machinations of The Thorium Nuclear Lobby - by Christina Macpherson

AUSTRALIA - Wake up!!

Completely under the radar, unknown to mainstream media, nuclear lobby machinations are going on, especially in Victoria and South Australia.

On March 15th, South Australians will elect a Liberal government, and that will hasten the lobby's plans for a nuclear power 'hub' in that state. Long promoted by Prof Barry Brook, Alexander Downer Prof Stefan Simons (BHP funded) and others, the nuclear push gets an extra kick from drive to get nuclear submarines. At present Australia's Defence Minister is in Scotland, researching construction of nuclear submarines.

This will involve South Australia becoming part of USA's nuclear war machine (i.e. yet another Australian target). It will be pitched to us as both necessary for Australia's defence, and necessary to replace jobs lost when Holden shut down. And, if they can pull this off - it will be the prelude to South Australia hosting the full nuclear cycle, and importing foreign radioactive wastes.

Now to Victoria. Under the guise of coal seam gas search Ignite Energy Resources's very media-shy executive director, Dr John White is closely involved in nuclear lobbying.

The Nuclear Activities (Prohibitions) Act 1983, effectively prohibits the exploration and mining of thorium and uranium in Victoria. Sandi Keane of Independent Australia has revealed the interest being taken by the thorium nuclear lobby, and the Victorian government in leases where thorium exists, and in the potential for using it to power nuclear reactors.

Not to be forgotten - the Northern Territory, where traditional Aboriginal landowners continue to fight the draconian National Radioactive Waste Management Act (NRWMA)


Japan is the focus, with many anti nuclear protests across the world, on the anniversary of the Fukushima nuclear disaster, and in Tokyo, groups organising to work for renewable energy and against nuclear power. But the 'Nuclear Village' is still in control, as Japan moves to develop the Rokkasho plutonium-making complex. Meanwhile the government plans to restart nuclear power, though most reactors are unlikely to meet the new safety rules.

Confusing plans to return evacuees to Fukushima prefecture, with some areas clearly unable to be decontaminated for decades Fukushima radioactive material continues to leak into the Pacific,and to be detected in the North West Pacific Japan has cracked down on reporting about Fukushima.

Ukraine is a concern, but experts advise that it is not likely to get nuclear weapons.

UK does a deal to buy Russian nuclear technology even as it is hosting a summit about putting sanctions on Russia due to the crisis in Crimea!

USA. Nuclear is not faring too well. A nasty radioactive leak at a nuclear waste facility in New Mexico. The government has stalled costly plans to build a Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication (MOX) plant More news that nuclear power is dying, for economic reasons

China - some encouraging news Wind Leaves Nuclear Behind
