
No to imperialist war! Reclaim the revolutionary traditions of May Day!

Reprinted from the WSWS 12 April 2014

On Sunday, May 4, the International Committee of the Fourth International will hold an international online rally to celebrate May Day 2014. The purpose of this rally, which will be open to listeners from all over the world, is to reclaim the revolutionary socialist traditions of this historic day of international working class solidarity.

A Real Fashion Revolution

Local Perth women Alysha Harkins and Gilliane Burford have launched a major campaign so you can wear your “Made in Bangladesh” clothes with pride.

As founders of new non-profit, MADEgram, the two have joined the crowdfunding revolution to raise the funds to develop an app to bring about lasting change in the Bangladesh garment industry.


WGAR News: Anzac Day - Undeclared Frontier Wars Remembrance March, Canberra, ACT

Newsletter date: 21 April 2014


* Anzac Day - Undeclared Frontier Wars Remembrance March [Canberra, ACT]
* Sarah Martin, The Wire: Henry Reynolds talks about Australia's Forgotten War
* ABC RN Hindsight: Warriors in a forgotten war: Tunnerminnerwait and Maulboyheneer
* Michael Green: Lest we remember

* Alexandra Smith, SMH: Aboriginal history "crucial" for national curriculum, says schools submission
* Dawn Casey, The Guardian: Warren Mundine, of course science needs an Indigenous perspective

Adelaide events: Aboriginal Provisional Government to meet in Adelaide + The Indigenous subject in international law

Adelaide and South Australia Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Fri 2 May 2014: Adelaide, SA
159th Justice and Peace Candle Light Walk
around Government House
Gather at dusk on the first Friday of the month
(except January and February)
"Join us on the Candle Light Walk to
call for a Treaty and Bill of Rights, and
to support the Ngarrindjeri and all other

WGAR News: Anderson: Unite for the common cause to defeat this 'Deceit by Fraud': Sovereign Union

Newsletter date: 20 April 2014


* Aboriginal Provisional Government: APG to meet in Adelaide [6 May 2014: Kensington, Adelaide, SA]
* Sovereign Union: Anderson: Unite for the common cause to defeat this 'Deceit by Fraud'
* Angus McAllen, Green Left: Brisbane Aboriginal embassy vows to continue the struggle [Featuring Boe Spearim]
* NIRS: 'Nation-to-nation' agreements needed: Monica Morgan
* Sovereign Union: AMANDLA Global Assemblies of Afrikan People's Power
* Aboriginal Sovereignty interviews, articles and events

* Greens MLC Robin Chapple: Stolen Wages

Canberra events: Anzac Eve Peace Vigil + Anzac Day Undeclared Frontier Wars Remembrance March

Canberra Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

New Event: Anzac Eve 24 April 2014: Mt Ainslie, Canberra, ACT
Anzac Eve Peace Vigil 2014
"It's becoming a Canberra tradition to gather for
peace on Anzac Eve. As we walk, sing, share stories
and make ceremony together we remember that
almost everyone in Australia has a family story of
trauma and loss through war, including all our


Exposé Of The Medical Abuse Of Transgender Persons

Exposé Of The Medical Abuse Of Transgender Persons

The AMA, RANZCP, and WPATH may have an outward facade of respectability, but the reality is that they are abusing transgender persons.

AMA = Australian Medical Association
RANZCP = Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists
WPATH = World Professional Association for Transgender Health


Supreme Court Hears Argentina Predatory Hedge Fund Discovery Case; High Court Decision to Hear Broader Landmark Debt Case Pending

On Monday, the Supreme Court hears arguments between Argentina and holdouts who refused two debt restructuring deals after Argentina defaulted on its debts in 2001. The Supreme Court Justices will determine if predatory hedge fund, NML Capital can obtain information from US Banks that reveal Argentina's holdings in order to target those assets for debt payments. The Obama Administration is siding with Argentina in the case.

WGAR News: Congress Calls for Conscience Vote on Racism: National Congress of Australia's First Peoples

Newsletter date: 19 April 2014


* National Congress of Australia's First Peoples: Congress Calls for Conscience Vote on Racism
* The Australian: Indigenous call for racism conscience vote
* National Congress of Australia's First Peoples: Close the Gap warns of impact of RDA changes
* National Congress of Australia's First Peoples: Proposed changes to the RDA threaten racial cohesion
* National Congress of Australia's First Peoples: Joint Statement: Leaders reject proposed RDA changes


The week in nuclear news by Christina Macpheson


Australia's comedy shows are getting poor audiences this week. Everyone's focussed on New South Wales and federal politics. My thanks to tweeters "Barry walks the plonk" Che Shiraz Shiraz - whatever will be , will be"

Sorry - I digressed badly there.

Uranium Now we're going to sell uranium to Saudi Arabia. Such a stable, democratic, Middle Eastern power - no worries about a Middle East nuclear arms race ?

The Shortwave Report 4/18/14 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (April 18) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

NEW PODCAST!!!- feed:// (128kb Highest Quality)

WGAR News: The Elders' Report into Preventing Indigenous Self-harm & Youth Suicide

Newsletter date: 18 April 2014


* The Elders' Report into Preventing Indigenous Self-harm & Youth Suicide
* Culture is Life Campaign: Promoting community led solutions to Indigenous youth suicide
* Petition: Be Part of the Healing: Indigenous Youth Suicide Must End
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Elders across Australia say Governments need to listen to them on how to address youth suicide
* Audio regarding the Elders' Report [Includes 2SER, The Stringer on SoundCloud, NIRS, SBS News on SoundCloud & ABC]
* Video regarding the Elders' Report [Includes SBS & ABC]


I've been filming at protests for the last 5 years in Australia as an independent film-maker using the footage I capture in documentaries. I've always wanted to make a video using all the protests I have filmed at and this is it, well, almost all the protests I've filmed at. This video is rather special to me and I composed this tune myself for my latest documentary, Surviving Earth.


Letter From a Refugee in Detention on Nauru

I received this letter via Facebook from a woman in detention on Nauru:

Hi Australia,

Me and my husband arrived to Christmas island in Sep 2013, After two weeks staying in AQUA detention in christmas island they transfer us to Naru.

Most of officers in Naru were military in Afghanestan and Iraq and they are so aggressive and treat us like their enemy and most of them havn’t stable mentally situation.

Perth & WA Events: Women's Council Aboriginal family violence training + SNAICC Training Workshop

Perth and WA Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

New Event: 2 May 2014: Alfred Cove, Perth, WA
Women's Council Aboriginal family violence training
"The Women's Council for Domestic and Family
Violence Services WA is organising this training.
... This year, the Council is offering the opportunity
to hear from some inspirational Aboriginal women
speak about violence in the community once more.

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 67 events from 12 April 2014

Newsletter date: 12 April 2014

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

New Event: 3-30 April 2014: Woden, Canberra, ACT
People are Legends:
Focusing on the literary works of Kevin Gilbert (1933-1993)
2014 Heritage Festival
Venue: ACT Heritage Library, first floor of Woden Library
"Follow the creative journey of local identity Kevin Gilbert
through this multimedia exhibition curated by his constant

Queensland events: World Indigenous Domestic Violence Conference + World Indigenous Health Conference

Brisbane and Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Updated Event: 18 May 2013 to 21 April 2014: South Bank, Brisbane, Qld
Voice and Reason
Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA)
"Since the colonial era, Indigenous artists have been
actively examining the conversations and conflicts
involving their ancestors and settlers in Australia.
Their works affirm the place of their peoples' cultures