
2 "Phoneys" [ audio ]

Kaputt X Radio 2 "Phoneys"

"Non-Linear Commentary" on 2 phoney neo-liberal politicians, especially under-educated Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbot - who gets even his own metaphors wrong, is half illiterate and certainly a blind believer of neo liberalism

sources:, - sounds Peter Kruger Richard Dorfmeister

Adelaide events: 2014 KutteWangkaWaiarnda (Responsibility) Wodlianni Stolen Generations National Sorry Day event

Adelaide and South Australia Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 26 May 2014: various locations in Australia including SA
National Sorry Day
"National Sorry Day is an annual day of
commemoration and remembrance of all those
who have been impacted by the government
policies of forcible removal that have
resulted in the Stolen Generations." NSDC
"National Sorry Day is a reminder of the

Australia: How to fight the Abbott government’s budget

By the Socialist Equality Party Australia 17 May 2014 The “March Australia” protests on May 18 are the first expression of the broad opposition that is developing toward the Coalition government’s budget. The policies unveiled by Treasurer Joe Hockey on May 13 represent a dramatic escalation of the three-decade assault on the living standards of the working class.


WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 87 events from 17 May 2014

Newsletter date: 17 May 2014

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

New Event: Fri 16 May - Sun 25 May 2014: Enmore, NSW
Freedom Ride
"This powerful interactive play is set in the revolutionary '60s.
It investigates a pivotal event in Australia’s history:
the Australian Freedom Ride. This student action stirred up
key questions about racism and indigenous rights, and is
regarded as a turning point in race relations in Australia."

ANZAC Day Sydney: Militarism & Repression

In the early hours of April 15 a group of anti-militarist activists gathered in Martin Place. They carried a number of banners and placards which bore slogans such as “NO WAR BETWEEN NATIONS, NO PEACE BETWEEN CLASSES” “FIGHT THE RICH NOT THEIR WARS” and “SUPPORT THE DIGGERS WHO SHOOT THEIR OFFICERS”.

Canberra events: Fisheries co-management in the Torres Strait + National Sorry Day Bridge Walk + Yolngu Studies

Canberra Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 23 November 2013 to 18 May 2014: Parkes, Canberra, ACT
I’ve Been Working On The Railway
National Archives of Australia
Curated and toured by: The Workshops Rail Museum
"Through the 1950s, 60s and 70s, there were large scale
developments of rail infrastructure across Australia.
In the hot and dusty environments of the inland north,


Victoria events: 'Utopia' screenings + Future Dreaming: Purpose, Passion & Power in Remote Indigenous Communities

Melbourne and Victoria Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 17 May 2014: Upwey, Melbourne, Vic
John Pilger's documentary film, 'Utopia'
Venue: Black Box Room, Burrinja Cultural Centre
"Utopia is John Pilger's new feature documentary,
made for the cinema and ITV. Drawing on his long
association with the first people of Australia, his
homeland, Utopia is both an epic portrayal of the


NSW Events: Freedom Ride + Turning the Tide + National Day of Action Marking National Sorry Day

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

New Event: Fri 16 May - Sun 25 May 2014: Enmore, NSW
Freedom Ride
"This powerful interactive play is set in the revolutionary '60s.
It investigates a pivotal event in Australia’s history:
the Australian Freedom Ride. This student action stirred up
key questions about racism and indigenous rights, and is

Perth events: National Day of Action Marking National Sorry Day: Stop Ongoing Stolen Generations!

Perth and WA Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: 26 May 2014: various locations in Australia
National Sorry Day
"National Sorry Day is an annual day of
commemoration and remembrance of all those
who have been impacted by the government
policies of forcible removal that have
resulted in the Stolen Generations." NSDC
"National Sorry Day is a reminder of the

NT events: No nuclear waste dump at Muckaty + National Day of Action Marking National Sorry Day

Northern Territory Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

New Event: 25 May 2014: Tennant Creek, NT
Community rally and concert: No nuclear waste dump at Muckaty
"All welcome to join the community rally in Tennant Creek on
May 25, or send a banner of support to be included in the
march. This day marks 7 years since the Northern Land
Council nominated a site on Muckaty to be assessed for a

Queensland events: National Day of Action Marking National Sorry Day: Stop Ongoing Stolen Generations!

Brisbane and Queensland Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Sun 25 May 2014 (eve of Sorry Day): The Gap, Qld
Sorry Day Ceremony - Balaangala
Venue: In the Garden Space
"You are invited to join with the Balaangala Community Group
at their Sorry Day Ceremony to remember and pay respects
to the families and communities of the Stolen Generations"

Pregnant Woman sentenced to be Flogged to Death

Mariam Yahya Ibrahim Ishag, 28, is eight months pregnant. A Sudanese court has sentenced her to be flogged to death, after finding her guilty of apostasy and adultery, and because she married a Christian man, which Muslim women are prohibited from doing, voiding the marriage.

WGAR News: Petition for a commission: dump the Muckaty dump plan: Beyond Nuclear Initiative

Newsletter date: 16 May 2014


* Beyond Nuclear Initiative: Petition for a commission: dump the Muckaty dump plan
* CommunityRun Petition: Dump the Muckaty Dump: Its time for responsible radioactive waste management
* NuclearFreeNT, YouTube: MUCKATY Television Advertisment
* Beyond Nuclear Initiative: May 25 Rally: No nuclear waste dump at Muckaty
* Background to the proposed Muckaty nuclear waste dump in NT

* The Wire - West Arnhem Regional Council: Our environmental achiever [Featuring Alice Eather]

Australian budget targets workers and youth

The Abbott Coalition government’s first budget is a vicious attack on the working class—targeting young people, the unemployed, the chronically ill, the disabled and young families in the interests of the rapacious drive by the financial and corporate elites for the accumulation of ever greater wealth.

As Treasurer Joe Hockey made clear in his speech last night, the budget is only the “first word” in what will be an ongoing and deepening offensive, with “much work” still to be done to bring the budget back into surplus.


Nuclear news, and Australia's Budget May 13 by Christina Macpherson


Climate Change “is the great moral challenge of our generation” – Kevin Rudd 2007. After 7 years – what has happened to Australia’s enthusiasm for action on Climate Change? Sadly, Australians have elected a Climate Denialist government – a government that makes John Howard’s look like a radical greenie.. And, hardly noticed in the swathe of cuts to welfare, to youth affairs, homelessness programs, health, education, the Budget’s attack on renewable energy is barely noticed.

WGAR News: The must-do need to listen and trust if suicides crisis is to end: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer

Newsletter date: 15 May 2014


* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: The must-do need to listen and trust if suicides crisis is to end
* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: More confirmation of what everyone knows - WA's suicide prevention inadequate
* NIRS: WA Government slammed for 'failing' anti-suicide measures [Featuring Premature deaths and suicides researcher, Gerry Georgatos]
* ABC News: WA's suicide prevention strategy inadequate and poorly implemented, report finds
* ABC News: WA suicide rate higher than national average

WGAR News: Is Australia creating ANOTHER Stolen Generation?: Paddy Gibson chats with Paul Wiles on CAAMA Radio

Newsletter date: 14 May 2014


* Paul Wiles, CAAMA Radio: Is Australia creating ANOTHER Stolen Generation? [Featuring Paddy Gibson, a researcher with Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning]
* Background to 'Keeping Them Home': Campaign against Forced Aboriginal Adoption in the NT

* ALSWA: Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse - ALSWA assistance available NOW
* Background: Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander responses to Royal Commission into child sexual abuse

Position of Federation of Anarchists in Bulgaria (FAB) regarding Jock Pafreeman Federation of Anarchists in Bulgaria (FAB)

Position of Federation of Anarchists in Bulgaria (FAB) regarding Jock Pafreeman
Federation of Anarchists in Bulgaria (FAB)

Position of FAB regarding the information published in internet about actions of solidarity with the murderer Jock Palfreeman.

Every year Federation of Anarchists of Bulgaria (FAB) delimit from the case with the murderer of Andrey Monov by the Australian military Jock Palfreeman.

Our official position is that independently from the circumstance Jock killed a man and badly injured another and he is guilty. This is intolerable crime.

WGAR News: Charter of the United Nations does not apply to Australia, claims Qld lawyer in Euahlayi 'rates case': SU

Newsletter date: 13 May 2014


* Sovereign Union: Charter of the United Nations does not apply to Australia, claims Qld lawyer in Euahlayi 'rates case'

* Callum Clayton-Dixon, The Stringer: Treaties Are Agreements Between Equals
* Background to Treaties with Aboriginal Sovereign Nations of Australia

* Ray Jackson, Sovereign Union: ANZAC day: Black Diggers buck the given history of "white men's business"
* Annie Hastwell, The Wire: Tasmania's forgotten Black War [Featuring Dr Nicholas Clements]