
I was robbed by Howard Government with help of NSW Government and NSW Court system and Schapelle Corby paid the price as well.

William Moss here again, well the last court case finished on 4/3/2014, with another lying unfair judgment by Judge McCullam who also says in her judgment that Her Honour believe my story is true as to the drugs in Schapelle Corby's bag as did Judge Delaney in his judgment of 31/1/2008 [ said more likely then not the drugs in her bag were meant for William Miller had i done the job ], since ex PM John Howard protected News Ltd in 2005 through the NSW Court system i was never going to get the $250,000.oo owed to me by News Ltds, or damages by my solicitor Michael Croke how betrayed and defa


Mental health advocates need to be persecuted

Mental Health Advocates need to be persecuted, captured, interrogated & drugged for their entire lives. Their is too many mental health advocates in this world. Mental health advocates are facist & racist because they think that a large proportion of the worlds population need to be captured, interrogated & drugged for their entire life, it is alikened to the Jewish people getting their revenge after world war 2 all under the guidance of the creator of so called mental illness, Sigmund Fraud.

AMA, Australian Manufacturing Association

AMA, Australian Manufacturing Association operates in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Adelaide & Darwin due to these capital cities close proximity to ports & rail infrastructure. Australia is a continent & all continents should have a diversified manufacturing sector. When you import goods from overseas you use alot of valuable energy resources, energy resources which should be conserved for future generations.


On World Economic Forum on East Asia 2014

By Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC)

All Glitz, Nothing New to Solve Poverty and Inequality

PHILIPPINES: The World Economic Forum ( WEF ) on East Asia 2014, a gathering of 70 government and public figures and 460 business leaders here in Makati City, conclude its three-day meeting today, May 25, 2014. The affair is about to wrap up as an expensive and glorified talking shop with no new ideas and solutions to offer to what is Asia’s, even East Asia’s , and especially the Philippines’ most stubborn and alarming problems: poverty and inequality.

Glasshouse covered solar roads

AUSI, Australien Universal Space Industries has proposed that all roads should be sealed in the respect that glasshouses should cover all of the roads so that when a vehicle omits pollution the glasshouse covered road can capture the pollution & use it for algaculture, the glasshouse itself should be covered with solar panels so the road can generate electricty as well.

Rape - global crisis, from India to the United States

Gerry Georgatos - 6.6.2014 - Rape and sexual violations are endemic crises - rife - yet unchecked by substantive education. We meander towards more checks as we unfold human rights and social justice vocabularies to catch up with one and all. In the meantime the human narrative is traumatised by one atrocity after another, and the multiple traumas from the permissibility of atrocity. Two cousins, aged 12 and 14 years were raped and then hanged last week in India. Yesterday, Madhya Pradesh Home Minister Babulal Gaur described rape as a ‘social crime’.


The Shortwave Report 6/6/14 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (June 6) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

NEW PODCAST!!!- feed:// (128kb Highest Quality)

Conserving the worlds carbon

At our current usage of carbon their will be no carbon left on this planet in approx 7000 years time. Carbon is the building block of life. This is why we need renewable energy & electric propulsion. Follow the following links to find out about alternative policies.

Human rights groups close ranks after Pope urges UN resist Culture of Death

Human rights groups close ranks after Pope urges UN resist Culture of Death.

Anthony Ravlich
Human Rights Council (New Zealand)
10D/15 City Rd.
Auckland City.
Ph: (0064) (09) 940.9658

Faced with some ‘unsafe’ human rights truths human rights organizations on linkedin sites seemed to close ranks.

There was no response to a post on 30 May 2014 on about 42 human rights linkedin sites (only about 12 permitted its discussion) in which Pope Francis urged the United Nations (UN) to resist a Culture of Death.


Detective Job: Can you point out the flaws in this report?

This is an exercise for the public to learn how to distinguish between honest journalism and agenda based writing. Below is an embedded screenshot of an article on The New York Review of books (20 May, 2014) title ‘Tiananmen: How Wrong we Were’ by Jonathan Mirsky. (see screenshot evidence: attachment 1)

Examples of Botched Executions in 'civilized' USA

The 'civilized' USA loves the death penalty to death. It's too bad that the land of life, liberty and pursuit of the death penalty is incapable of getting its own criminal justice system in order. Besides having a seriously flawed, racist, discriminative and often corrupt death penalty law, the USA is incapable of getting its execution methods in order - which have resulted in many botched executions. It's inconceivable that all this is happening in the land that preaches human rights to the rest of the world.

A new direction for renewable energy

AUSI, Australien Universal Space Industries have developed the latest state of the art robotic systems for constructing renewable energy infrastructure.

Robotic Renewable Energy Infrastructure Construction . . .

Robotic Renewable Energy Infrastructure Construction . . .

Muckaty Traditional Owners at Federal Court in Melbourne for start of case against a nuclear waste dump on Aboriginal land

Muckaty Traditional Owner and hip-hop artist Kylie Sambo, seen here with supporters outside the Federal Court in Melbourne, and Traditional Owner Dianne Stokes were in town for the start of the long-awaited challenge to the nomination of of Aboriginal land at Muckaty as a site for Australia’s first national nuclear waste dump.


Australian Software Engineers Association

Australian Software Engineers Association often collaborates on a international level using technologies like the internet, however most software releases are released in Australia & are geared to work in Australian conditions, the software design model is that the software should be simple to use & easy to understand, though their are other international projects which the Australian Software Engineers Association works on which are often more complex & often involve contributions from academics on a international level using technologies like the internet.

Australian Software Engineers Association

Australian Software Engineers Association often collaborates on a international level using technologies like the internet, however most software releases are released in Australia & are geared to work in Australian conditions, the software design model is that the software should be simple to use & easy to understand, though their are other international projects which the Australian Software Engineers Association works on which are often more complex & often involve contributions from academics on a international level using technologies like the internet.

WGAR News: Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia - 83 events from 2 June 2014

Newsletter date: 2 June 2014

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: Until at least 31 May 2014: Woden, Canberra, ACT
People are Legends:
Focusing on the literary works of Kevin Gilbert (1933-1993)
2014 Heritage Festival
Venue: ACT Heritage Library, first floor of Woden Library
"ACT Heritage Library can now confirm the
exhibition is up until at least the end of May"
"Follow the creative journey of local identity Kevin Gilbert

Sydney Film Festival Events: The Redfern Story (Dir: Darlene Johnson) & Black Panther Woman (Dir: Rachel Perkins)

Sydney and NSW Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

Event: every first and third Monday of the month: Surry Hills, Sydney, NSW
STICS (Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney) campaign and planning meetings
Venue: Federation Conference Centre, Surry Hills
"STICS (Stop the Intervention Collective Sydney) is an open
collective of Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people committed