
WGAR News: Rally held ahead of Muckaty court challenge: ABC Alice Springs

Newsletter date: 28 May 2014


* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Kado Muir about cultural genocide, mining, employment and economic disposition

* Monika O'Hanlon, NT News: Elders lead dump demo
* ABC Alice Springs: Rally held ahead of Muckaty court challenge
* CAAMA Radio's Damien Williams interviews Beyond Nuclear Initiative Nat Wasley on Muckaty and the waste dump
* NT News: Take a tip and ditch the dump
* Background to the proposed Muckaty nuclear waste dump in NT


WGAR News: SBS TV: Watch John Pilger's 'Utopia', on Saturday 31st May 2014, 8:35pm SBSONE

Newsletter date: 27 May 2014


* : Utopia, John Pilger's latest film, to be broadcast on SBS Australia on 31 May
* Chris Graham, New Matilda: Utopia: The Inside Story
* The Stringer: A long way to go for 'Utopia'
* Background to 'Utopia', John Pilger's documentary film about Aboriginal people in Australia
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention


- News

Australia a nation of drug dealers & drugged victims

The average Australian sells 13 bottles of wine a week . . .

The average Australian sells 2 litre's of beer a week . . .

The average Australian sells 2 litre's of spirits a week . . .

The average Australian sells 3 packages of illegal drugs a week . . .

9,330,000 Australians commit people into the fraudulent mental health system & the victims are forced to take psychosomatic drugs for their entire life manufactured by pharmaceutical companies & their representatives . . .

20% of Australians purchase cigarettes from legal outlets . . .


Countless people want a easy ride with information technology

Countless people want a easy ride with information technology, press a few buttons, sit behind a computer, or operate your smartphone, sound's goods, all your needs provided on a silver tray, but the reality is that people have to work hard in this world & life was not suppose to be easy, have you ever thought of getting your hands dirty & getting a real job or do you think we will have robots to do all of those dirty jobs, even if we do have robots take note that they will take peoples jobs away & this is where we need ethics, human rights & the right to life for people wh

Why indymedia looks better on smartphones than wikipedia

The original indymedia engine called active was created by the now sadly deceased Mike Carlton, aka Predator & AUSI, Australien Universal Space Industries nearly two decades ago, however, Indymedia probably uses different technology these days. Wikipedia still uses mediawiki as its engine which was based on the active engine created by Mike Carlton aka Predator & AUSI, Australien Universal Space Industries nearly two decades ago & this is why wikipedia does not look that good on smartphones when compared to indymedia.

WGAR News: Anderson: You cannot benefit from murder ... Time does not erase murder: Sovereign Union

Newsletter date: 25 May 2014


* Sovereign Union: Anderson: You cannot benefit from murder ... Time does not erase murder
* Brisbane Aboriginal Sovereign Embassy: Mega-charities killing Aboriginal people
* Background to the Aboriginal sovereignty movement and the Aboriginal tent embassies

* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: The Loner - Black protest music to bring on the hope

* Nadine Schoen, The Stringer: Aboriginal issues, in the context of a capitalist system
* Nadine Schoen, Green Left: Way forward for Aboriginal struggle

Aboriginal help sought for student's Master’s thesis

My name is Lia Hibner. I am a student researcher at the university of
Southern Queensland currently doing my Master’s thesis in Clinical
My thesis is looking at the potential buffering effect of sense of belonging
on the detrimental outcomes of negative life events on the psychological
well-being of Aboriginal Australians (and yes, it is a mouthful!...).
I invite Aboriginal Australians to take part in this
study. It is the first study to explore the importance of the community and
Country for Aboriginal Australians as a potential protective factor against


Asia-Pacific Left activists say 'No to another coup in Thailand!'

May 23, 2014 - We, the undersigned organisations, strongly condemn the latest coup d’état staged by Thai military under the leadership of Prayuth Chan-ocha.

The current coup, which took place almost eight years after 2006 coup, will do nothing to enhance democracy and social justice in Thailand, instead it will only tighten the grip of dictatorial rule and attempt to crush any democratic institution that exist. The army has already started its crackdown on media and the internet, and has arrested people who oppose the coup.

Comedy time in Australia? Nuclear and Climate News elsewhere, by Christina Macpherson


Tough times for Australia's comic writers, as the news is out-doing them these days with a nudge and a wink, and Federal Liberal politicians in a post-budget turmoil.

I can even get a bit of black humour out of Prime Minister Tony Abbott pressing on with his campaign against climate change action and renewable energy, while at the same time, Eastern Australia is getting its warmest, driest May on record, with the forecast of more to come.

The Shortwave Report 5/23/14 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (May 23) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

NEW PODCAST!!!- feed:// (128kb Highest Quality)

Canberra events: National Day of Action Marking National Sorry Day: Stop Ongoing Stolen Generations!

Canberra Aboriginal rights events for your diary

WGAR events postings for each State and Territory:

Click on the links for details of the events ...

New Event: 1 May - 3 August 2014: Parkes, Canberra, ACT
Michael Cook: Through My Eyes
Venue: Museum of Australian Democracy
"In this unique exhibition, Michael Cook transposes
the faces of Aboriginal people over the faces of
twenty seven former prime ministers, carefully
matching facial features - eyes, nose, chin


Putin-Xi Huge Gas Deal Could End Dollar and US Domination


The situation between Russia and the USA almost has reached a state of “hot” war. Usually that is what happens when anyone threatens America’s dollar hegemony, which really is its hegemony. Russia and China soon may arrange for payments on their huge natural gas deal (and later a huge petroleum deal) to be made in OTHER THAN DOLLARS – a “RED LINE” for which lesser countries have been invaded and their leaders killed by US forces.

Six homeless children fighting for a better tomorrow

By Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The Stringer - - The remote is an idea romanced by Governments when it comes to tourism but when remote communities ask for quality schools, utilities and services, Governments cold shoulder them.


Thousands march in Australian cities against budget

Reprinted from the World Socialist Website Thousands of people attended “March Australia” rallies on Sunday to protest against the harsh budget measures announced last week by the Liberal-National government of Prime Minister Tony Abbott. Some 10,000 marched in Sydney, up to 7,000 in Adelaide, similar numbers in Melbourne and 1,500 in Perth. Some 500 people rallied in Brisbane and Hobart.


WGAR News: Aboriginal Peoples and the impact of the 2014 Federal Budget

Newsletter date: 20 May 2014


* Amy McQuire, The Guardian: Cash for jails: Tony Abbott's budget for Indigenous Australia

* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: "Warren Mundine, show your face," Tauto Sansbury [Featuring Tauto Sansbury]

* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Chris Graham speaking about and breaking down the recently announced Australian Budget
* Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Mary Graham & Monica Morgan about the upcoming Budget announcement
