Countless people want a easy ride with information technology

Countless people want a easy ride with information technology, press a few buttons, sit behind a computer, or operate your smartphone, sound's goods, all your needs provided on a silver tray, but the reality is that people have to work hard in this world & life was not suppose to be easy, have you ever thought of getting your hands dirty & getting a real job or do you think we will have robots to do all of those dirty jobs, even if we do have robots take note that they will take peoples jobs away & this is where we need ethics, human rights & the right to life for people who did get their hands dirty but received little reward for their hard labours, anyhow we do not have robots yet & their is alot of jobs that are still done by humans & even if you smart people with your computers & smartphones & tablets do manage to produce robots that will do alot of work then are you going to make sure that people are not harmed by your robots or your so called code, their is nothing worse than a dictatorship & their is alot of people who think they can dicate their terms to the rest of us with their electronic devices, show some humanity & get your hands dirty.