

A Review of E. San Juan, Sisa’s Vengeance: A Radical Interpretation of Jose Rizal
(ConnecticutL Philippine Cultural Center, Connecticut, 2014).
by Paulino Lim,
Emeritus Professor, California State University, Long Beach, CA

Argentina Responds to Supreme Court with Debt Swap Plan: Global Consequences of Court Ruling Remain Intact

In reaction to an adverse Supreme Court ruling against Argentina, President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner announced that Argentina would offer new bonds to its creditors governed under Argentine law. The proposed debt swap would involve the 92% of the country's creditors that agreed to restructure in the wake of the country's 2001 default. While the debt swap proposes an alternative for the South American country to avoid paying hold-outs, it fails to reverse the global implications on debt markets, debt restructuring and financial stability.



John Chuckman

The word genocide, coined in 1944 in an effort to describe what the Nazis called “the final solution” and what today we call the Holocaust, attempted to distinguish the crime of killing people of a certain identity in such great numbers that you tried eliminating them as a group. Earlier in that century, there had been the mass murder of Armenians by the Turks, an event Hitler once cynically reminded associates was not even remembered only a few decades later.

Supreme Court Refuses Argentina Debt Case

The US Supreme Court denied hearing Argentina's appeal today and a lower court ruling stands that validates predatory behavior targeted towards countries in financial distress. The high court also denied a related appeal on behalf of the more than 92% of bond holders who had accepted Argentina's restructuring deal after the default.

Eric LeCompte, Executive Director of the religious anti-poverty organization Jubilee USA, releases the following statement:

Nimbin A Special Place [ audio ]

Featuring local voices in song and spoken word from Nimbin Australia

Gemma with street interview about Bentley anti fracking protests and songs, local band Manifest with "Street Scene", local Aboriginal artist Kaliba with "Trial By Fire", local artist Iman Dan with "Heart, Head and Hands" - intro/extro sound "Space Between The Stars" by Robyn Francis from Djanbung Gardens Permaculture School


Presenting our radical start / homepage for anarchists and comrades

A homepage for activists and social revolutionaries with lots of features such as search tools, links and webtools to make your surfing easier.

A homepage for activists and social revolutionaries, its an anarchist homepage with lots of web tools, links and almost all search engines including torrent search.

It also features a small text forum for communication, information and sharing with other users, And Guerilla Radio and webchat.
Check it out, and ttry it out.

May 2014 Honduras Coup summary - more murders, more extremities

May 2014 Honduras coup update

as published here:

Summary of political killings from May 2014

Rigoberto López Hernández, community defender against mining company, was assassinated on 3/5/14

William Jacobo Rodríguez, community defender against hydroelectricity dam company, was assassinated on 24/5/14

Irene Meza, resistance activist and autonomous council activist and spouse of councillor in Opalaca, was assassinated on 25/5/14

Machines vs. People [ audio ]

Local People off the mainstream vs machines

A small documentary with info and opinion.

credits: Marie Cameron " A woman and a camera on facebook, excerpt from Paradigm Tales by Virtualrenderings, sounds by St. Germain

19:13 min 128 kbps 18 MB

Cutting-edge Technology to bring corporate and personal causes together

A new CrowdFunding website,, is aiming to help individuals raise funds for everything from medical treatments to aspiring musicians seeking to fund their first album. 

Crowdfunding is a new craze which is quickly catching on, having raised over $10 billion around the world.  OzCrowd is bringing this online platform to Australia with its first campaigns due to go live from 1 July 2014.


Beheadings, Amputations, Lashings, Torture -- Cannot Be Changed

Saudi Arabia's Justice Minister has defended tough Sharia punishments such as beheading, cutting off hands and lashing, claiming they "cannot be changed" because they are enshrined in Islamic law. "These punishments are based on divine religious texts and we cannot change them," Mohammed Al Eissa said during a recent speech in Washington.

Mohammed Al Eissa said Islamic law had helped to reduce crime in the conservative kingdom. "Capital punishment is carried out in many other countries, including the US, and was not isolated to Islamic states" he said.

The Shortwave Report 6/13/14 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (June 13) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

NEW PODCAST!!!- feed:// (128kb Highest Quality)

An Embassy to welcome an extraterrestrial civilization: the Raelians will file a formal application to the Canadian Government!

Ottawa, June 2nd 2014 -

On Wednesday, June 4, 2014, representatives of the International Raelian Movement in Canada will officially hand over the project file for the construction of the Embassy of Elohim to the Canadian Government. After seven refusals for the State of Israel to answer the request of the Raelian Movement, RAEL decided in 2000 to offer the opportunity to host this historic project to all countries of the world!


Global demand for renewable energy engineers

Global demand for renewable energy engineers.

Its boom time for renewable energy, a verifiable gold rush into constructing renewable energy infrastructure all over the world & ending our dependence on filthy fuels.

Below the radar - Nuclear and Climate News


Radioactive Waste Court case. The traditional Aboriginal owners of the Muckaty area in Northern Territory continue their 7 year battle against radioactive waste dumping on their land. Their legal case continues, with hearings in Tennant Creek, Melbourne, and now back to the Northern Territory. The Government’s latest argument is that the radioactive trash dump can go ahead, even without the consent of the Aboriginal owners.

After The Protests [ audio ]

A laid back recording of activism in Nimbin Australia after the Bentley protests

Two songs by Burri, Aboriginal Storyteller, and Mooks, longtime activist.
Lots of early 70s references - recorded in a 20 year old permaculture school

23:21 min 128 kbps stereo 22 MB


Time for Emergency Action on Climate

Australian science blogger and author David Spratt renews his call for emergency action to save the climate. In his latest work, Spratt explains why the remaining amount of burnable carbon for a safe climate is ... zero.

All that talk of how much carbon we can burn over the next decade or two is sadly mistaken. If we have any margin left, we'll need that to grow food. Agriculture has it's own emissions, including carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide.

That means we require a changeover in our economy as radical as happened in Britain in 1939, or America in 1943.
