
An Embassy to welcome an extraterrestrial civilization: the Raelians will file a formal application to the Canadian Government!

Ottawa, June 2nd 2014 -

On Wednesday, June 4, 2014, representatives of the International Raelian Movement in Canada will officially hand over the project file for the construction of the Embassy of Elohim to the Canadian Government. After seven refusals for the State of Israel to answer the request of the Raelian Movement, RAEL decided in 2000 to offer the opportunity to host this historic project to all countries of the world!


Burying the future: Pipelines, Arctic melt, southern hemisphere weather

Canadian scientist Paul Beckwith explains how the Arctic warming emergency is changing your weather. First, story of anti-pipeline media warrior, John Bolenbaugh. The leaks, scandals and deaths behind Tar Sands pipelines.

Download/listen to Radio Ecoshock 130424 here:

The U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says an ice-free Arctic is no longer a matter of "if" but "when".

Secret geoengineering in the Pacific

Download 15 minute Radio Ecoshock interview with Jim Thomas of ETC Group here:

Russ George, the one-man geoengineering phenomenon, strikes again! And despite an ocean dumping and geoengineering ban by 192 countries, George has help from Canada and the U.S.

Stop rape and murder for mining profit

When security forces of a Canadian mining company brutally evicted Mayan families from their villages in Guatemala, eleven women were raped, a community leader was killed, and a young man paralyzed. Now villagers are standing up and suing HudBay Minerals for these horrific crimes -- but they need our help to match the corporate legal firepower and win their case!

Climate denial investigation - while scientists muzzled Dr. John Mashey investigates right-wing billionaires & corporations who pay alleged "charities", bloggers, & old weathermen to deny climate science. Some of that propaganda money went to New Zealand and Australia. Then Canadian journalist Margaret Munro on government muzzling scientists, plus update by UCS Francesca Grifo on science freedom in U.S.
CD Quality of this Radio Ecoshock report (56 MB) here:

G20 countries reject Robin Hood Tax, continue subsidies to Big Oil and Coal amid street protests

The G20 countries have rejected the proposal for a micro tax on large financial transactions - dubbed a Robin Hood Tax - at the meeting in Toronto Canada 25-27 June, while riot police have turned the streets into a bloody battleground with pre-emtive house raids of activists, attacking peaceful protests, baton charges, and over 100 arrests. (See up to the minute reporting from the G20 Alt Media Centre) | Toronto G20 People's March Photos

Update: Jun 29: Over 900 people arrested - Journalists Illegally Detained and Searched en Masse | WWF: G20: long on platitudes, short on delivery | Democracy Now: Naomi Klein: The Real Crime Scene Was Inside the G20 Summit


sovereignty, treaties, social justice

an interesting example of a civil disobedience action taken as an anti-olympic protest (the building of the bridge), the destruction of a sacred burial ground (during construction of the bridge) and the interference of the salmon runs and destruction of ancient fishing grounds due to the insensitivity of the canadian govt. and the builders.

there is even recognition of the downside (is there an upside?) of globalisation to first nations and other aboriginal groups around the world.

"Canada's shame" - protest at seal pup slaughter

If like me you thought that bludgeoning baby seals to death was something that ended years ago, then think again: this year over 60,000 harp seal pups were slaughtered, and the figure would have been five times larger if fear of a European Union ban on seal products had not led many fishermen to stay at home (source: