
Who will control the climate of the world?

A small group including Bill Gates, worried climate scientists, some nuclear weapons boys, and multinational oil companies want to "save" the climate with geoengineering. They are talking about a "shield" which would dampen the sun, leading to whiter skies, instead of blue.

Maybe we will get so desperate we'll beg them to do it? Then we can just keep on burning good old Australian coal!

Australian author Clive Hamilton tells all. Audio interview from Radio Ecoshock 25 minutes.

Secret geoengineering in the Pacific

Download 15 minute Radio Ecoshock interview with Jim Thomas of ETC Group here:

Russ George, the one-man geoengineering phenomenon, strikes again! And despite an ocean dumping and geoengineering ban by 192 countries, George has help from Canada and the U.S.