
Watch Ride Along online

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" Ride Along " is a new movie that has been released in 2014. It speaks about Kevin Hart ,or known in the movie as Ben Barber, who is in really like with Tika Sumpter , Angela Payton. Angela's sibling is Wayne Payton, Ice Dice, is a police broker. He is very nervous about his sis from Ben. He believes that he is not in the same stage as Angela's. So Ben tries to confirm that he is value getting married to his dearest Angela.


"Once you say yes to 99-year lease, you’re gone, finished"

30 May 2014
Media Statement

Yolngu Nations Assembly

99-Year Township Leases

Yolngu Nations Assembly (YNA) urges the Commonwealth Government and indigenous communities to consult carefully before considering entering into 99-year township leases.

In October last year, Senator Nigel Scullion announced that Gunbalanya traditional owners had agreed to work towards finalising a 99-year lease by 30 June 2014, stating that he and the traditional owners “agreed that a township lease was the most effective way to achieve economic and commercial development in Gunbalanya.”


Native Title a powder keg of corruption waiting to explode

Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The National Indigenous Times - - Native title is a powder keg of improprieties and corruption just waiting to explode so that if and when it does then at long last native title can be crafted with the necessary changes so that indeed the peoples of the land, the impoverished communities, are reached by the native title benefits which for now much of these intended benefits are being rorted and denied to them.


1 million prize for global water shortage solution

The ruler of Dubai and vice president of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoumhas, has offered $1 million USD to the research institute that comes up with an effective solution to the global water shortage problem.

But on one condition — the solution must involve solar energy. All institutions are eligible for the prize, not just those located in the UAE.

The Shortwave Report 7/25/14 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend, 
            The latest Shortwave Report (July 25) is up at the website  in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
   (If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

NEW PODCAST!!!- feed://  (128kb Highest Quality)

Coal Seam Gas Fracking resumes in Bentley

After a temporary reprieve with the suspension of Metgasco's license to drill in Bentley, near Lismore NSW, the company has obtained a court order to continue exploring for coal seam gas threatening again the farmland and water table.
This time the protesters will be confronted with up to 800 police and other legal tools to prevent another "people's victory".

There is an informed article highlighting the underlying cause and principles driving the corporations.


Car free towns & car free cities

Cars are a luxury good & there are many places all over the world where there are no cars, these places are known as (Car free towns & car free cities). People in rural areas operate tractors & raise produce & the food is then transported to the (Car free towns & car free cities) by truck, people in the (Car free towns & car free cities) then purchase the arcadian rural food from their local markets. These (Car free towns & car free cities) are the homes to many artisans & all types of goods are manufactured in these (Car free towns & car free cities).

Martu’s Ernie Ifould calls for Royal Commission

Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The National Indigenous Times - - The Martu peoples of the Western Desert languish impoverished while the millions of dollars that have allegedly never reached them are being brought to the attention of the nation through Fairfax journalists, Richard Baker and Nick McKenzie. Some of the Martu are calling for a Royal Commission into native title following highly publicised questions raised in the media around a large amount of allegedly missing money.


Turn About

Almost 320 years ago to the day, the twin global economic problems of poverty and eco-devastation, were legitimised by an act of the English Parliament.

Could it be time for a new Act to reverse this situation?

So Bentley protester; as a concerned citizen you legitimately object to what you say is, and hopefully now was, an unnecessarily destructive, irrational attempt by the gas and oil miner Metgasco, to exploit our local Northern Rivers environment. However, assuming the yoke of our financial-system it may well be exploitation but irrational it is not.


Singapore - The Necropolis City of Hangings

Singapore hanged two prisoners on July 18, 2014. Foong Chee Peng, 48, and Tang Hai Liang, 36, were hanged at dawn inside Singapore's Changi Prison.

The hangings were reported by the Singapore media and all worldwide media - excluding Australia (in the slight chance Australia would be seen to upset the tiny island nation of five million people).

Both men were convicted of drug-trafficking. Tang was found to have trafficked 89.55g of diamorphine and Foong was found to have trafficked 40.23g of diamorphine.

Better housing for the so called mentally ill

The Australian Association Of So Called Mentally Ill People proclaim that are not really mentally ill, they are just accused of being mentally ill by mental health advocates, they proclaim they are mistreated by mental health advocates, pharmaceutical companies & anyone else involved in promoting the so called mental health industry. The Australian Association Of So Called Mentally Ill People proclaim that their human rights are constantly violated.

corey barker support protest and other matters

Ray Jackson

please be reminded that the isja support protest for corey barker will take place outside the downing centre on thursday, 17 july, 2014 beginning in elizabeth street and rotating around to castlereagh street at 12.30pm.

The choice is clear – Nationalism versus Aboriginality

By Dr Woolombi Waters - courtesy of The National Indigenous Times - and The Stringer - - July 14th, 2014 - Image, Amelia Kunoth-Monks, Rosalie Kunoth-Monks, Jenny Munro, Rachel Perkins, photo by Gerry Georgatos. So here we are NAIDOC Week for 2014 and the theme is: Serving Country: Centenary & Beyond in honour of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and women who have fought in defence of country.


Freedom of Speech

By Gerry Georgatos - June 19th, 2014 - courtesy of The Stringer - - The ABC promotes itself as ‘democracy’ and the ABC’s Q&A program as “an experiment in democracy” but after its host, Tony Jones’ response to students who unfurled a banner during the program there were observers who questioned the ‘democracy’ that the program touts. Freelance writer and journalist, Clementine Ford defended the democratic right of the students to assemble and protest but which Mr Jones admonished.
