
THE Aboriginal Business Directory WA (ABDWA) now has its own Facebook page

By Small Business Development Corporation

THE Aboriginal Business Directory WA (ABDWA) now has its own Facebook page, providing a great way for the community to keep updated on news and events relating to Aboriginal small business in Western Australia.

Established in 2012, the Directory promotes products and services from Aboriginal businesses in WA to potential buyers in government, private and not-for-profit sectors. Featuring more than 200 businesses from across the State, it is the most comprehensive list of its kind in Western Australia.

First Nations Women’s ceremonial walk for people and country

Freedom walk for people and Country

First Nations Women’s ceremonial walk for freedom – Local walk from Wailwaan country to Wiradjuri country.

Yanhagagi Wailwaandhi biladhi Wiradjurigu bilagu bilingarra ngiyanhigingu mayiny/dhiiyaan, bilingarra ngiyanhigingu ngurambang/dhawun.

A walk from the Wailwaan side of the Castlereagh River to Wiradjuri Talbragar river to take care of our people, to take care of our country.

Go Team Australia, we're on the team. Rah.

BY BILL HOFFMAN, Sunshine Coast Daily

IF only Australia was a footy team we could all cheer for, against all the other teams.

Go Team Australia, we're on the team. Rah.

"Everyone has got to put this country, its interests, its values and its people first, and you don't migrate to this country unless you want to join our team."

So said the captain this week, laying down the selection criteria.

Noble sentiment, hard to disagree with, but utterly facile and ignorant of the reality - there is no Team Australia.

Borneo: axing a national park for palm oil

By Rainforest Rescue, Hamburg

Bumitama Gunajaya Agro (BGA), a palm oil company, is clearing large areas of rainforest in Tanjung Puting National Park and the adjacent buffer zone in order to convert the land into oil palm monocultures.

Borneo's Tanjung Puting National Park covers an area of 400,000 hectares and is home to unique tropical forest ecosystems. The coastline and the estuaries are lined by dense mangrove forests. Swamp and peat forests still dominate the landscape.

Thinkers replaced by Social Controllers on massive scale.

The following is a clarification re prev article. It says thinkers are being replaced by social controllers because truth is the major threat to the dominant elite, secular liberal collectivists.
Also, explains how Corporations are highly favored.

Thinkers replaced by Social Controllers on massive scale.

Anthony Ravlich
Human Rights Council (New Zealand)
10D/15 City Rd,
Auckalnd City.
Ph: (0064) (09) 940.9668


Eight-minute video history lesson about mistreatment of Aborigines

Treaty on land rights which was never kept. See also

A group of "Concerned Australians" has published an excellent YouTube video outlining how governments are still mistreating Aborigines, stealing their money and land, keeping them poor and stripping them of any power they may have had.




The message from very many Aboriginal Peoples in Australia to the Australian Government is that the time is long overdue for genuine negotiation on treaties.

Please watch this 8 minute You-Tube video clip:


SRI LANKA: Safe to return? Fact vs Fiction

Tony Abbott, Scott Morrisson and Bob Carr all claim that Sri Lanka is 'at peace'
What's the real situation? Speakers will include:
- Sarah Ross (Refugee Rights Action Network Activist)
- Gary Holliday (Socialist Alliance & Tamil Rights Activist)
- Dr Brian Senewiratne (Sinhalese Human Rights Campaigner & Consultant Physician)

Plus launch of Dr Senewiratne's new book: 'Rape of Tamil Civilians in the North & East by the Sri Lankan Armed Forces & Their Collaborators'

Date: Wednesday, August 20th
Time: 6:30pm - 7:30pm
Location: Fremantle Workers Club 9 Henry Street, Fremantle


Melbourne activists lock down Israeli arms factory

By Nik

The Melbourne Palestine Action Group, a group consisting of activists from Whistle Blowers Australian Citizens Alliance and Renegade Activists, locked down Elbit Systems in the suburb of Port Melbourne and occupied the building’s roof covering it with a banner that reads “Elbit drones killing kids in #Gaza #BDS. Inspired by a similar action that took place in England last week, Melbournians in support of the Palestinian people in Gaza erected a replica of Israel’s apartheid wall locking the gates of Elbit Systems in the city of Port Melbourne.


This week in nuclear and climate news - by Christina Macpheson


Radioactive wastes.  The Australian government is still licking its wounds from the debacle of their attempt to impose a waste dump on Aboriginal land at Muckaty  - (the shame, with all their resources,  of being beaten by a few elderly and poor black women).  However, that hasn't stopped them from calling for volunteers in Aboriginal communities to accept a (presumably bigger) bribe to host the dump.

What will it take to end Aboriginal disadvantage, the inequalities and the various crises?

By Gerry Georgatos - Courtesy of The Stringer - - The Fred Hollows Foundation’s CEO, Brian Doolan said, “There are no excuses for Australia to be the only developed country in the world where people still suffer from trachoma, where Indigenous men in areas such as the east Katherine region have an average life expectancy of 46 years, where babies are dying at a rate three times higher than babies born to non-Indigenous born to non-Indigenous parents.”


The betrayal of our children – the Northern Territory

By Gerry Georgatos - Courtesy of The Stringer and The National Indigenous Times - and Children in the Northern Territory are three times more likely to die before they turn five years of age than children born into the suburbs of Melbourne and Sydney. But when the data is disaggregated, the Northern Territory’s First Nations children, who are nearly half the Northern Territory child population, fare dramatically worse.

We were not put on this Earth to bury our children, but in the Northern Territory, this is what is happening.


NSW Police attempt to censor pro-Palestine protest

The NSW Police is applying to the Supreme Court of NSW to prohibit a peaceful protest by Palestine solidarity activists. The protest is being held on from 5:30pm on Thursday 21st of August outside the opening of the Israeli Film Festival.


International GoTopless Day - Aug 24, 2014 It is a matter of Equal Right's Australia
We will be hosting a peaceful Protest at the Byron peace Pole, on August 24th 12pm - 3pm

A woman deserves the same choice as a man...
International GoTopless Day August 24th Women and supportive friends are taking part in this action all around the world to help free Humanity in regards to this issue of Equal Rights for Women.


Pearson’s vision – ignore what works and attack those dole bludging welfare recipients

Dr Woolombi (Marcus) Waters - courtesy of the National Indigenous Times - - Courtesy of The National Indigenous Times - Noel Pearson said the Forrest report struck at the “roots of the passive-welfare predicament of Indigenous Australians”. He said the Forrest reforms did not displace the welfare safety-net system but rather built “a new opportunity staircase as an alternative pathway for individuals and families to climb out of disadvantage and into the advantages enjoyed by their fellow Australians”.


Pearson’s vision – ignore what works and attack those dole bludging welfare recipients

Dr Woolombi (Marcus) Waters - courtesy of the National Indigenous Times - - Courtesy of The National Indigenous Times - Noel Pearson said the Forrest report struck at the “roots of the passive-welfare predicament of Indigenous Australians”. He said the Forrest reforms did not displace the welfare safety-net system but rather built “a new opportunity staircase as an alternative pathway for individuals and families to climb out of disadvantage and into the advantages enjoyed by their fellow Australians”.

July 2013 Honduras Coup Update

Honduras coup update – July 2014

Political persecution in July 2014:

Brutal and murderous eviction by police and army, against Gregorio Chavez farmers movement in Panama community in the Bajo AguĂĄn palm plantations

Carpetbaggers and corruption – time for anti-carpetbagger laws; tell them to nick off

Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The National Indigenous Times and The Stringer - There was great hope for the reclamation of land rights following Mapoon, Yirrkala, Lake Tyers, Wave Hill and Aboriginal Tent Embassy. But this hope has been dashed. Western Australia has the nation’s highest median income – per capita it is the richest State in the Commonwealth of Australia yet it has the highest homelessness rate in the nation, and the First Nations peoples bear the brunt of it.
