
Why are artists & inventors drugged for there entire life ?

Why are artists & inventors drugged for there entire life ?

The government, police & mental health industry forcibly drug all of the artists, inventors, engineers & scientists. Anybody who designs & is responsible for the creation of something new is forcibly drugged by the government for there entire life, this has got to stop, its a blatant violation of international treaty's on human rights & freedom of expression.

Second Belanglo Murders Suspect Dies

The man who came under suspicion before Ivan Milat for the backpacker murders and who was the chief suspect for a time has died in Warrawong aged 74. His surname is Kas pr zy ck.

Police should take DNA samples because there were witnesses to some of his many crimes.

There is unidentified perpetrator DNA on file which was found under the fingernails of one of the victims at Belanglo. This DNA could well belong to this man.


four deaths of note

this post will report on 4 deaths, 3 of those were of the death in custody type whilst the 4th was that of a good and true friend.

ms. wanda irihia bidios is a maori elder who at the time of her death on the 7th of august this year was 82 years old. she preferred to be known as irihia.

i first met her some 10 years ago, maybe even more, through my other good and true friend, anne duffy-lyndsay, known to me as 'comrade mother.' anne was 92 at the time of her death.


Depression and suicide prevention must be top of the agenda this century

By Gerry Georgatos - Courtesy of The Stringer - - Nearly one million people the world over die by suicide each year according to the World Health Organisation. The World Health Organisation stated that in 2012 there were 803,000 reported suicides. The real number is likely to be closer to double. In general, suicide takes more lives than war. But what leads to suicide? In understanding the first ever World Health Organisation report on suicide the major cause is depression.


Irrkelantye still without water – NT government in disgrace

By Gerry Georgatos - Courtesy of The Stringer - - (Photo of Irrkelantye dwelling by Paddy Gibson) Today, Irrkelantye has been without its water supply for one month. The residents of this open air shanty now walk half a kilometre to collect as much water as they can carry back. The Northern Territory Government is not budging from its relative silence. It appears the Government wants the people to move on from this safe space.


don and henry continue blaming us for our own ills

whilst twiggy forrest is running around the country attempting to sell his master plan to 'save' we aborigines from our 60 000+ years of culture and history. to, in a sense, to save us from ourselves.

apparently there are thousands upon thousands of well paid jobs if we only become romany-like and travel around the country picking fruit. we just need to leave our ancestral lands and become full-time itinerants.


Carbon emissions rise from electricity generation - largest 2 month increase since 2006

The latest CEDEX assessment by Pitt and Sherry shows an increase in Australian electricity demand in June and July with rising supply from coal and gas since the Abbott Government abolished the carbon tax and talked about abolishing or emasculating the Renewable Energy Target with the Warburton Review. Emissions rose by about 1 million tonnes - about 0.8 per cent. It is the largest 2 month increase since 2006 according to Peter Hannam in the Sydney Morning Herald.


World Suicide Prevention Day – suicide takes more lives than war

By Gerry Georgatos - This story is reproduced from The Stringer - - September 10 is World Suicide Prevention Day. It is estimated that around the world nearly one million people per year die by suicide. According to the World Health Organisation the figure is at least 800,000 people lost to suicide each year. This translates to a death by suicide every 40 seconds, more than 3,000 suicides per day. For every suicide the World Health Organisation estimates there are at least twenty failed suicide attempts.


San Francisco 9/11 Film Festival to be Live Streamed

Landmark 9/11 Event to be Live Video Streamed September 11th

Coming up Thursday, September 11, 2014 at 1:00 pm Pacific * 4:00 pm Eastern * 08:00 GMT
On September 11th, You Get 10 Hours of Live Video Streaming and then you will have 30 Days afterwards to watch the Video Archives of the Films and the Speakers.

sf911truth Film Festivalsf911truth Film Festival

The Shortwave Report 9/5/14 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (September 5) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

NEW PODCAST!!!- feed:// (128kb Highest Quality)

Cultural Cleansing of individual self-determination driven by the bureaucrats.

Describes a Cultural Cleansing of individual self-determination. Driven by the bureaucrats in the interest of secular, liberal collectivists it required a hijacking of human rights hidden by a 'divide and rule'.

Cultural Cleansing of individual self-determination driven by the bureaucrats.

Anthony Ravlich


Human Rights Council (New Zealand)

10D/15 City Rd.

Auckland City.

Ph: (0064) (09) 940.9658

The following are three posts on the social networking sites where I describe the Cultural Cleansing of individual self-determination.


Urgent action: Tragic news from Manus

Today, some truly tragic news.

Hamid Kehazaei, a 24-year-old Iranian asylum seeker detained on Manus Island, recently suffered a cut to his foot while being detained on Manus Island. After the cut became infected, it's reported that Hamid sought medical attention and was denied for days, resulting in acute blood poisoning. Today we learned that, after being transferred to a hospital in Brisbane, he has been declared brain dead.


Youth for Human Rights makes an impact at the Back to School Event

Tampa, FL – August 16, 2014 - The Youth for Human Rights (YHR) Florida group was hard at work at the Back to School Event in Tampa on Saturday, August 16th--an event hundreds of parents and students attended to get prepared for the upcoming school year.


Northern Territory Government cuts off water to Irrkelantye

By Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The Stringer - - Without any notice to the impoverished community of Irrkelantye, also known as Whitegate, the Northern Territory Government cut off the water supply. In the past, the United Nations has slammed as “an affront to human rights” such scandalous measures to shut down communities and move on people. Irrkelantye is all that its residents have known as home and indeed they have nowhere to go.
