
Tyrannical powers for immigration minister Morrison

The very early hours of this morning were some of the darkest in Australian political history. Just a little before 1am, the Migration and Maritime Powers Bill passed by one vote, with Senator Ricky Muir finally caving to some of the most intense and despicable emotional blackmail that the Parliament has witnessed. He was visibly anguished, saying "I am forced into a corner where I have to decide between a bad decision and a worse decision - a position I would not wish on my worst enemies."



ASIO head and Terror war criminal Duncan Lewis Effigy burnt at Eureka Vigil

In the first light of dawn at Ballarat on December 3, lantern and effigy maker Graeme Dunstan set alight an effigy of Major General Duncan Lewis, the new head of ASIO, at the Eureka Dawn Vigil held at the Eureka Stockade Monument.

Related: Pikeman's Dog Memorial | Radical Spirit of Eureka 160th anniversary as it happened | A terror war criminal burns | Flickr: Eureka160 Photo gallery


What does Australia do when the coal runs out

Current estimates state that there is approx 34 years to 90 years supply of coal left to mine in Australia, this proves Prime Minister Tony Abbots conference with the Asia Society Texas Center in Houston when he stated that coal will fuel human progress for decades & the catch is only decades, this explains why the United States, Europe & many other places around the world are investing heavily in renewable energy as there is only a finite amount of coal to be mined.

INDONESIA: President orders execution of drug-traffickers

The new Indonesian President Joko Widodo, appears to have dashed the hopes of human rights activists by endorsing the execution by firing squad of five prisoners on death row. Indonesia will execute five drug traffickers on death row this month (December) after their requests for presidential clemency were rejected. 'The president ordered authorities to carry out the legal process accordingly,' the co-ordinating minister for political, legal and security affairs, Tedjo Edi Purdjianto, was quoted on Thursday as saying on the Cabinet Secretariat's website.

“Stop uranium mining, transportation, enrichment and nuclear fuel production”

Münster, Germany, 30 November 2014 - - At a two-day meeting here around 50 anti-nuclear activists from Russia, France, The Netherlands and from across Germany demanded an immediate end to the countless transports of uranium which ensure nuclear operations in Europe and elsewhere round the world.

They also demanded an end to uranium mining and processing everywhere. They demanded that the German government close down uranium enrichment in Gronau and production of nuclear fuel in Lingen.


November 2014 Honduras coup update

November 2014 Honduras coup update



A long-threatened organised farmer is now added to the list of over 130 organised farmers assassinated since the coup, as is the 14 year old daughter of Globo Radio/TV journalist in the context of having a long list of journalists assassinated since the coup, UNAH uni students are told that protesting on campus is now illegal, and 2000 electricity workers are fired by the Honduran state as they take the street.




AMBIL, E. San Juan's new book of cultural provocations, now available

Departing from his last neoconceptualist poetry collection, Mendiola Masaker (2014), U.S.-based author E. San Juan, Jr. crafted this new offering of anti-poems, experimental graphic word-art, and "unexpressive" writing. AMBIL , the book's title, signifies irony, ambiguity, subversive or iconoclastic meanings.

October 2014 – Honduras Coup Update

October 2014 – Honduras Coup Update

Political Persecution summary from October 2014

Rio Blanco dam resistance – youth disappeared and killed

The week that was, in Australian and International nuclear news, by Christina Macpherson


Federal politics: Australia’s Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has suddenly discovered that climate change is real, and nuclear power is the obvious cure for it. Interestingly, Australia’s top nuclear power proponent, Dr Ziggy Switkowski now thinks that  renewable energy sources could be more viable than nuclear.

Tauto Sansbury and Rosalie Kunoth-Monks on the "Freedom Summit" a gathering of grassroots Aboriginal community leaders

Perth Indymedia speaks to esteemed elder of South Australia's Narrunga people Tauto Sansbury and Australian of the Year, leader of the Utopia homelands Rosalie Kunoth-Monks on the "Freedom Summit", the most significant gathering of grassroots Aboriginal community leaders in recent history which was held in Alice Springs.



Facing Uranium Company Toro at AGM Nov 2014

Mountain View

After gaining pre approval from the EPA uranium Company Toro Energy is gearing ahead to establish the first uranium mines in Western Australia at Wiluna and for the second year in a row Elder Glen Cooke and Kylie Fitzwater were given the opportunity, by the Conservation Council of WA, to enter the annual shareholders meeting by proxy to express the strong opposition to the project.


WGAR News: Australia is committing genocide on a scale unequalled anywhere in the modern world: Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union

Newsletter date: 30 November 2014

WGAR News Public Google Group:!forum/wgar-news
WGAR News - Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)


* Upcoming Event: STICS: Forum: Can our First Nations Peoples celebrate UN Human Rights Day? 9 December 2014