WGAR News: Delegates speak about the National Freedom Movement's Parliament House Sit-In in Canberra
Submitted by WGAR - Working ... on Fri, 23/01/2015 - 6:56amNewsletter date: 24 January 2015
Newsletter date: 24 January 2015
Last updated: 16 September 2015
Archive - Prior to 26 December 2014: Background to 'The Freedom Summit': Alice Springs 27-28 November 2014: https://indymedia.org.au/2014/11/29/background-to-the-freedom-summit-ali...
Newsletter date: 28 December 2014
* Events: The Stringer facebook: Upcoming Information Events: "Freedom Summit goes national and is now known as the Freedom Movement." [Includes Adelaide flyer]
* Events: The Stringer facebook: "Tour dates to hear about the Freedom Movement are coming together with Adelaide and Sydney organised, ... " [Includes Sydney flyer]
Newsletter date: 20 December 2014
Last updated: 26 December 2014
Current: WGAR Background to the National Freedom Movement: https://indymedia.org.au/2014/12/26/wgar-background-to-the-national-free...