
43 years to the day since Tent Embassy; sit-in by true leaders

By Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The Stringer - On January 26, the nation’s attention will turn to Canberra but not for the usual fanfare. The Freedom Movement will reach the front lawns of our national parliament, with the leaders and Elders of the descendants of the original peoples of this continent commencing a sit-in. Nearly 43 years ago, four young men jagged themselves under an umbrella on the lawns of Canberra’s parliament and all of a sudden changed the course of the Aboriginal body politic.


Stop peddling lies – “$30 billion spent on Indigenous disadvantage” is a lie

By Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The Stringer - The 2014 Indigenous Expenditure Report has been released by a Government Steering Committee and many will read it, especially the media, in that it is spending on “Indigenous disadvantage”. This is how it has been sold by far too many, including Prime Ministers. Australians will buy the crock that $30 billion is spent annually on First Peoples when indeed it is not. Last year, the nation was told expenditure was $25 billion but I proved that this was a lie after disaggregating the spending.


Dumbartung “battles” Indigenous Land Corporation for survival to save cultural treasures and healing programs

By Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The Stringer - Movie stars, rock stars, politicians and world renowned activists all say the work of Robert and Selina Eggington must be preserved but the future of an amazing cultural and historical operation remains in doubt. The 28 year strong Dumbartung Aboriginal Corporation is at risk of losing its tenancy at the Clontarf Academy grounds in Perth, once a place where much ill, including sexual abuse, befell children, Black and White, when it housed an orphanage.


“It is racism killing our people – suicides born of racism”

By Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The Stringer - The Commonwealth Government has no choice but to prioritise above all else the suicide crisis shaming this nation. If it is not abated, the maddening crisis is the starkest portrayal of a racist nation. There are no excuses to hide behind, no justifications, other than heartlessness. Today, I bring to you the story of another suicide, of another young life cut down by the abomination of racism.


Murdoch's Daily Telegraph Coverage Ruled Inaccurate

Rupert Murdoch’s Daily Telegraph has been condemned by the Press Council over an article depicting people with disabilities as slackers and rorters.

The bizarre article compared the number of Australia’s war wounded with the number of people receiving a disability pension.

Under the headline “Slackers & Slouch Hats” the tabloid argued over three pages that the rise in disability pensioners was a disturbing trend and implied that the pensioners who had psychiatric disorders were faking illness.


INDONESIA: Mixed messages on fate of drug traffickers on death row

Some time soon in Indonesia, five men will be taken before dawn from their isolation cells to secret locations. White aprons will be hung carefully around their necks, with red targets positioned over their chests. They will be offered blindfolds, and asked if they would like to stand, sit or lie down.

Then their hearts will be riddled with judicially sanctioned bullets until they are dead.

The Shortwave Report 12/12/14 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
            The latest Shortwave Report (December 12) is up at the website  in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom

Who Supports Israel's Draconian Demolition Policy


The government of Israel has decided to restart a policy they haven't used for ten years.

The policy is bizarre and immoral but the Pro Israel lobby in Australia is silent. Why?

They send bulldozers in to demolish the homes owned by family members of terrorists.

(A-Radio) Jake Conroy ("From activist to terrorist") - presentation and interview

As Anarchist Radio Berlin we documented a presentation by Jake Conroy: "From activist to terrorist". He is an activist for animal liberation from the US, who participated in a campaign to close an animal testing laboratory and was prosecuted and sentenced as a terrorist.

'Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples' needs serious revision says Anderson on return from Geneva

8 December 2014

Ghillar Michael Anderson, Convenor and Joint Spokesperson of Sovereign Union of First Nations and Peoples in Australia, returned from Geneva this morning after attending an organisational meeting to bring together in 2015 the first delegates to the UN of the world's Indigenous Peoples. [The airbus he was on had to make an emergency landing in Perth.]

In a statement from Perth Anderson said:



Background: Plans to close Aboriginal homelands / remote communities in WA and SA

Last updated: 5 October 2015

Plans to close Aboriginal homelands / remote communities in WA and SA (and NT?)

Current: WGAR Background: Intervention into Northern Territory (NT) Aboriginal communities by the Federal government:

"The British constitution was soaked with our ancestors' blood"

before i made my way to the aboriginal summit i posted the congress statement from les malezer and kirstie parker, as the co-chairs of the congress, to their calling on the foul abbott to go to the next meeting of coag and get the governments of wa and sa to not close down the remote communities that they had nominated for closure in their states.


"Brighter Futures" will come into your home and start putting down your methods of parenting

I'm a single mother and a student of children and community services. I recently endured the trauma of DOCS/FACS involving themselves in my family's lives. As a result of 3 months of illness i had fallen behind in housework. When they arrived they could only point out two risks of harm to my children - those being a biscuit in my daughters room and a toddler chair blocking an entry way (Nonetheless they did state that if these were not removed they would be happy to put my children into foster care).
