
Cartoonist Larry Pickering's Website Down, 15th January 2015

Larry Pickering's website has gone down. In the past when this has happened he has claimed it was hacked. He's been offered police protection. Some have described his cartoons as 'vulgar' and 'tasteless'. Julia Gillard was particulary incensed by some of them. Below is a small copy of the cartoon that has caused him to receive death threats. Should he have published it? Is it too provocative? Should we all display a Mohammed cartoon in our front window? They can't kill all of us, after all. Or, is it the time to be silent? 


National Freedom Movement - 15th, 18th, 20th, 26th January

A preamble by Ray Jackson, Indigenous Social Justice Association president and then a statement from the Freedom Movement about the Sit-In at Canberra. There are three lead up forums - Adelaide (today), Sydney (Sunday) and Brisbane (Tuesday) before the January 26th Sit-In.


Message of Profound Importance to UN.

Message of Profound Importance to UN.

Anthony Ravlich


Human Rights Council (New Zealand)

10D/15 City Rd.,

Auckland City,

New Zealand.

Ph: (0064) (09) 940.9658

Also, Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin.

On 10 January 2015 I sent the following email on what I considered to be a matter of profound importance to Zeid Ra'ad Al Hussein, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, but so far I have had no response.

VCAT – Special Procedures - organ transplants (also compulsory sterilisations / pregnancy terminations)

What is a Special Procedure?

1986 (“the Act”). Section 3 of the Act states that a special procedure is:

     • Any procedure that is intended, or is reasonably likely, to have the effect of rendering permanently infertile the person on whom it is carried out; or

     • Any procedure carried out for the purposes of medical research; or

1965 Freedom Ride re-enactment back on track

"Ghillar Michael Anderson responds to a confrontation with those organising 1965 Freedom Ride re-enactment, in particular Rachel Perkins who took offence at his comments in a recent media release. Having now spoken with all the parties, which was not done in the first instance, Michael Anderson corrects some matters in his previous statement, including that Noel Pearson will be travelling on the 2015 Re-enactment."

The Shortwave Report 1/9/15 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
            The latest Shortwave Report (January 9) is up at the website  in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (160kb)(33MB), broadcast quality (13MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom

WGAR News: New 'National Freedom Movement' website

Newsletter date: 7 January 2015


* Homepage of New 'National Freedom Movement' website:
* About: National Freedom Movement What's it about?
* Freedom Summit - The Delegates

The President of Nauru Labeled a Dictator


Is the president of Nauru, Baron Waqa a leader or a dictator?

Five MP’s have been suspended from the nation’s parliament simply because they spoke to the international media.

The President supports the decision saying the MP’s acted in an “unruly manner”.

Now the Chief Justice has upheld their suspensions, saying the Supreme Court did not have the power to reverse parliament's decision.

One of the suspended MP’s Roland Kun is now openly referring to the current government as a dictatorship.