
Transgender Medical Rights / European Parliament LGBTIQ human rights committee

Monday 9 February 2015

International Court of Justice

cc Parliament of Europe
cc Parliament of Victoria (open letter)

Re: Transgender Medical Rights / European Parliament LGBTIQ human rights committee

To: The International Court of Justice, European Parliament,


If this is what we can do in a month...

2015 is off to a cracking start! Over the past month, GetUp members won a Supreme Court injunction, got in the ears of MPs and Senators Australia-wide, joined forces with some big names, and made a bunch of headlines!

And just think, it's only February...

Qld votes for the Reef


INDONESIA - Death By Firing Squad

Execution by firing squad is the common capital punishment method used in Indonesia for a number of crimes including drug trafficking. The barbaric and cruel method has remained unchanged since 1964. Most prisoners on death row in Indonesia have been waiting more than ten years for execution.

The condemned prisoners are notified only 72 hours before their pending execution by firing squad. The prisoners are then transfered to a remote island location. In the middle of the night they They are and taken to an undisclosed isolated location to be executed by firing squad.

Nuke News this week: Australian Politics Special by Christina Macpherson

Sorry no links supplied here. You can find all links at the sam earticle at


I feel sorry for Australia’s TV comedian Sean Micallef. How can he possibly compete with what is going  [text-cat-question] on in Canberra now? Liberal Coalition MPs falling all over themselves trying to work out how to keep their jobs, with what leader?

The Shortwave Report 2/6/15 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
            The latest Shortwave Report (February 6) is up at the website  in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (160kb)(33MB), broadcast quality (13MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom

IMF Plan Offers $170 Million in Debt Relief for Ebola-Impacted West Africa: IMF Debt Facility Can Aid World's Poorest Countries

By Sumi Yi

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is providing $330 million of financing to aid Ebola-impacted countries. The plan includes $170 million of debt relief and grant-like aid for Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. The new plan also expands a debt relief facility previously used to cancel debt after Haiti's 2010 earthquake. The new expanded facility, the Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust (CCR), is now a permanent debt relief facility for the world's poorest countries when they experience shocks such as epidemics or natural disasters.

WGAR News: Flyer: First Nations Freedom Movement - Parliament House Sit-In - From 9th of February 2015 - Every day 10am till 4pm - Until Our Voice Is Heard

Newsletter date: 6 February 2015


* Appeal: National Freedom Movement: Save the National Indigenous Times
* Analysis / Opinion: Dr Woolombi Waters, Indymedia Australia: Litigation now the new censorship in reporting the news in the 21st century - National Indigenous Times
* WGAR News: Gerry Georgatos on the future of the National Indigenous Times: NITV News

Seahawks announce first wave of roster cuts, like Wade Smith Getty Photographs

The reigning NFL champions have commenced the procedure of identifying the best 53 gamers to attempt to defend the crown Bobby Wagner Jersey.

The group officially announced on Monday a variety of roster moves, headlined by the release of veteran tackle Wade Smith and veteran cornerback Terrell Thomas.

Smith, a twelve-yr veteran, started out each game in Houston from 2010 by means of 2013.  He signed with the Seahawks on August 4.

Press Release: LNP and ALP effectively ignore Qld Shark Cu

Despite Queensland killing many times more sharks than WA, it is clear that the Queensland Government is ignorant of the antiquated and cruel treatment of our coastal marine life.



Litigation now the new censorship in reporting the news in the 21st century - National Indigenous Times

By National Indigenous Times columnist, Dr Woolombi Waters -  I wish the first article of the year brought happier news but as I am sure most readers will have heard we are now publishing issue by issue without knowing who will own the National Indigenous Times for another few weeks. The lesson learnt is that modern news is no longer about truth but instead its about retaining social capital to the elite in ensuring the rhetoric of neoliberalism right wing conservative politics is retained at all cost.
