
(A-Radio) Interview with Radical Theory and Practice about the cooperative and its Emma Goldman project

The Anarchist Radio Berlin made an interview with the Russian-speaking anarchist publishing cooperative Radical Theory and Practice (RTP) about the cooperative, its recent project of translating Emma Goldman's memoires into Russian and a lot more.

You'll find the audio (to listen online or download in different sizes) here:

Pro-Aboriginal journalist sought for urgent Nyoongar crisis

Aboriginal activist, Professor Rosemary van den Berg in Perth, is asking for help to find "a good reporter who is pro-Aboriginal and would help us Nyoongar people here in Western Australia fight against an injustice being done to us. The South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council are making a deal to sell our Nyoongar land and have allowed us to either vote yes or no. The trouble is their voting system is not democratic and Nyoongar people are being railroaded into losing our votes because SWALSC and the WA govt want to win this election at all cost."


Nauru: Anti Democratic, Anti Refugee


The government of Nauru is a disgrace.

It has arrested over 150 refugees who held a peaceful protest and has threatened to jail anyone who assembles in groups of three or more.

Nauru claims to be a democracy but it is clear it’s fast becoming a pathetic, tin pot dictatorship.

The refugees arrested are not those held in the detention centre. These are the ones who have been given official refugee status.

But they say they are being treated like second class citizens and don’t have freedom of movement or access to several basic services.

February 2015 Honduras coup update


February 2015 Honduras coup update


Political persecution in February 2015


Police kidnapping in the context of a struggle against hydroelectricity dam


Fermentation Festival [ audio ]

Live recordings from the Fermentation Festival near Nimbin sponsored by the local Farmers Market

It's all about locally produced value added, supposedly health boosting food. Cultures from Europe, Asia and much more besides the subject of food are presented - This is the real multicultural in more than one sense masterchef show for the 21st century.

Liberal Senator Targets Undercover Video Activists


If you think that activism is important in Australia then you should be very concerned about new legislation put forward by Liberal Party Senator Chris Back.

His legislation will place strong curbs on the secret video recording of animal cruelty. 

If passed, the law would require investigators to report to authorities immediately if they have recorded any footage documenting cruelty.

This rule would prevent investigators from gathering extensive evidence of systemic or long term abuse.


STOP Human traffickers.

"All human beings are born free and equal … no one shall be held in slavery". The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights outlawed slavery. This meant the end of slavery, or did it?

Slavery still exists today and is imposed on millions of people, particularly children from poverty-stricken families in developing world countries, such as Guinea-Bissau in Africa. Guinea-Bissau, one of the five poorest countries in the world, has great inequality of income distribution.

WGAR News: Custody Notification Service will continue in NSW - but please hurry it up for WA: Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer

Newsletter date: 10 March 2015


* Audio Interview: Let's Talk's Tiga Bayles interviews Marianne Mackay, campaigner for First Nations rights within the WA criminal justice system

All Feminists Are Created Equal, But Some Are More Equal Than Others

New Matilda

5 Mar 2015

All Feminists Are Created Equal, But Some Are More Equal Than Others

By Amy McQuire


When white feminists shine a light on violence against women, they do so knowing government

won't make their situation worse. Black feminists don't enjoy that luxury. Following is an edited

extract of a speech New Matilda senior reporter Amy McQuire delivered this morning to the NSW

Greens International Women's Day Breakfast."<!--break-->"



The Shortwave Report 3/6/15 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
            The latest Shortwave Report (March 6) is up at the website  in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (160kb)(33MB), broadcast quality (13MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom

WGAR News: Senate motion condemns Oombulgurri demolition: Greens Senator Rachel Siewert

Background to the Oombulgurri demolitions commencing 30 September 2014 - 1 October 2014

Newsletter date: 5 March 2015


* Open Letter:
To H.E. Mr. Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of UN General Assembly
From Ghillar Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union
Re: Refugee Camp in Perth and developing Humanitarian Crisis

Show us the money: Charities that help the needy found to be most transparent

When it comes to charities, some are more transparent than others.

Charities that work in financial assistance, research, and advocacy are some of the most transparent in Australia, a new charity rating has revealed. In findings released by ChangePath, 650 charities across 25 sectors were compared to see just how transparent they were about where their money had gone.
