
PEOPLE POWER - The Fight Against Death Penalty


Time for a reality check! For all of Tony Abbott and Julie Bishop’s lecturing of the Indonesian government over the planned execution of two Australian citizens, it is worth recalling that, as late as the 1960s, Liberal state governments in Victoria, South Australia and Western Australian were still carrying out ghastly executions by hanging.


WGAR News: May Day marches: Forcibly removing our Peoples from their lands unacceptable as a remedy for governments trading insolvent: Ghillar Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union

Newsletter date: 31 March 2015


* Media Release: Ghillar Michael Anderson, Sovereign Union: May Day marches: Forcibly removing our Peoples from their lands unacceptable as a remedy for governments trading insolvent
* Poster: Stop the Forced Closure of Aboriginal Communities in Australia, facebook: "We would like to confirm that that 2nd National Call of Action will be held Friday 1st May 2015."
* Facebook: Stop the Forced Closure of Aboriginal Communities in Australia

The Shortwave Report 3/27/15 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
            The latest Shortwave Report (March 27) is up at the website  in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (160kb)(33MB), broadcast quality (13MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom

Opinion Piece is BACK with a stellar all-female panel discussing ‪#‎Treaty‬.


Important  viewing if you can spare one hour tomorrow night, Friday March 27th-NITV [Ch 34]  .
You will note the First Nation's Aboriginal women on the panel and includes an important  video message by the  late Malcolm Fraser (of 2011) .
Hope you have time to view it. Please circulate widely

 NITV   Friday 27th March 7.30pm


Opinion Piece | Friday (March 27) | Ch 34


Save our oceans

When seasoned sailor Ivan Macfadyen returned from his last Pacific crossing he raised an ominous alarm:

"I'm used to seeing turtles, dolphins, sharks and big flurries of feeding birds. But this time, for 3000 nautical miles there was nothing alive to be seen.”

This once vibrant expanse of sea was hauntingly quiet, and covered with trash.


Join Dr John Hewson and Save Renewables!

Below is an important message to GetUp members from Dr John Hewson AM, former leader of the Liberal Party, economist and company director. Your details have not been shared with anyone. You can join with Dr Hewson taking action to save the Renewable Energy Target by switching your power to the greenest energy retailer in under 5 minutes:


Save our SBS

By Margaret Pomeranz and Quentin Dempster

The SBS amendment bill was just introduced in Parliament today. If passed, this law will see the doubling of ads and commercials breaks on our SBS, effectively turning it into Australia's fourth fully commercial TV channel.


WGAR News: First Nations Women Speak out for a Treaty - Rosalie Kunoth-Monks sets out a brighter vision: STICS

Newsletter date: 26 March 2015


* Please Watch: NITV, Channel 34: Friday, 27 March 2015 at 7.30pm: NITV will broadcast a one hour program titled 'Opinion Piece - Women Speak Out For Treaty'
* Video: NITV News: "First Nations Women Speak out for a Treaty" - Rosalie Kunoth-Monks at Redfern Forum
* Video: STICS: First Nations Women Speak out for a Treaty: Videos from the Event

Inequality [ audio ]

A Talk on financial inequality, how it occurs, and how it relates to everyday realities in societies of rich and poor nations.

Script produced by Graham, performed by Tanya and Martin

media clips, "Inequality Rap", "We are the 99 percent"

17:41 min 64 kbps 8.1 MB


Free west Papua

What do you mean by freedom for West Papua? Where is it ? These are common responses by average Australians to a question “do you support freedom for West Papua”.

West Papua was occupied by Indonesia after the Dutch left in the 1960s. In a village in West Papua, a young Benny Wenda, watched as Indonesian military forced his aunt (and others) to wash herself by the river ‘ to clean herself up’ before she was raped. she had her baby ripped from her arms and thrown to the ground before she, was raped.. They both died.
