
2015 - is it now or never for climate change action? And nuclear is not the answer.

Christina Macpherson -  links for these items can be found at

However much people can achieve through individual action, in 2015 it’s a critical time for public action. In December, world leaders meet again to make a plan for climate change action.

The genocide of Gary Johns

By Ray Jackson

people who have been on my posts for some time will know and, hopefully, understand that i have great trouble in accepting the words, ideas and theories put out by gary johns who was once a very mediocre minister in the keating government from 1993 to 1996 when john howard swept into power.



Forget ISIS, Saudi Arabia routinely Beheads People


83 people have been beheaded in Saudi Arabia in 2014, the highest number in five years.

Most were executed for non violent offences including drug smuggling.

Amnesty International says Saudi Arabia has one of the highest execution rates in the world.

There were 79 executions in 2013 and 2012, and 82 in 2011.

The countries that carried out the most executions on record last year were Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and the U.S.

China is thought to kill thousands but the figure is a state secret.

The Shortwave Report (January 2) Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
            The latest Shortwave Report (January 2) is up at the website  in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (160kb)(33MB), broadcast quality (13MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom

Ethical human rights will not only turn America around but take it forward.

Ethical human rights will not only turn America around but take it forward.



Anthony Ravlich

Human Rights Council (New Zealand)

10D/15 City Rd.,

Auckland City.

Ph: (0064) (09) 940.9658



Ethical human rights, development and globalization will not only turn the country around but take it forward.


On 4 November 2014 when the Republicans won a majority in the US Senate Mitch McConnell, the presumptive Senate Majority Leader said that America needed to be ‘turned-around’.


A nation shamed when the solution for its children is homelessness

By Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The Stringer - It is not often I am brought to tears but this morning I was bereft as I left behind a beautiful family of five who have been homeless for 9 months. They have been living in a single tent in bush on the northern outskirts of Perth. Four beautiful girls are homeless but in their loving mother’s vigilant care. Their bastion of hope, all their hope, rests in the dignity of remaining united.


Crêpes for Change: Just desserts for youth homelessness

A group of young entrepreneurs from Melbourne are behind the exciting

new project called Crêpes for Change. "We are creating a social

enterprise in the form of a crêpe van, with 100% of the profits to go

toward eliminating youth homelessness in Australia" says Dan Poole,

founder of the initiative.



President Joko Widodo - Indonesia’s Newest Mass Murderer


President Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo insists the state willl push through with the execution of 64 inmates on death row, most of them convicted of drug offenses.




According to President Jokowi and Vice President Jusuf Kalla, drug trafficking leads to thousands of fatalities every year. It is therefore an “extraordinary crime” for which the only appropriate penalty is death by firing squad.

WGAR News: "Freedom Summit goes national and is now known as the Freedom Movement. The Sit-In in Canberra will commence January 26."

Newsletter date: 28 December 2014


* Events: The Stringer facebook: Upcoming Information Events: "Freedom Summit goes national and is now known as the Freedom Movement." [Includes Adelaide flyer]
* Events: The Stringer facebook: "Tour dates to hear about the Freedom Movement are coming together with Adelaide and Sydney organised, ... " [Includes Sydney flyer]

Abbott Cuts Hit The Poorest Of The Poor


Julie Bishop and Tony Abbott have slashed aid spending to the poorest people in the world again.

This time they’ve cut $4 billion over the next four years.

This means Australia will now drop from being the 13th most generous nation to the 20th.

The total cut to aid this year is almost $11 billion. That’s almost one third of all budget cuts.

Abbott has now cut overseas aid to its lowest level since 1958.

What a disgrace.

WGAR Background: Justice Reinvestment, Aboriginal imprisonment and Aboriginal deaths in custody

Last updated: 5 October 2015

Archive - Prior to 14 May 2014: Background to Aboriginal imprisonment and Deaths in Custody: