WGAR News: Paddy Gibson speaks about the NT Emergency Response and the successor "Stronger Futures"

Newsletter date: 4 October 2013


* Paddy Gibson speaks at Building Bridges on the NT Emergency Response and the successor "Stronger Futures"
* Eva Cox, The Conversation: Income management: more evidence-free policymaking?
* Greens Senator Rachel Siewert: Coalition to punish vulnerable people through income management expansion
* Nick Evershed, The Guardian: Welfare quarantining: does it work?
* Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention
* Background to 'Stronger Futures' new NT Intervention laws


WGAR News: New CLC chairman warns mining companies he will renegotiate royalties!: CAAMA Radio

Newsletter date: 28 April 2013


* CAAMA Radio: New CLC chairman warns mining companies he will renegotiate royalties!

* Robin Chapple MLC, WA Greens: Birriliburu IPA declaration ceremony [IPA: Indigenous Protected Area]

* Gerry Georgatos, The Stringer: Woodside & Government will not pay $1.5 billion
* Robin Chapple MLC, WA Greens: Broome ratepayers left in lurch by JPP halt
* NIRS: Broome should get benefits without gas hub: Mitch Torres
* ABC Video: Celebrating the end of James Price Point but floating a future for Browse

WGAR News: Queensland's Stolen Wages to the Crime and Misconduct Commission: SBS Living Black

Newsletter date: 21 April 2013


* SBS Living Black Audio Interview: Queensland's Stolen Wages to the Crime and Misconduct Commission
* SBS; AAP Video: Katter party fights for stolen Indigenous wages
* SBS Radionews Audio: Katter backs Queensland stolen wages return
* NIRS: Stolen Wages rally calls for compensation
* Tracker: CMC should probe stolen wages: Katter

* Central Land Council: Education is the key says new CLC Chair
* NIRS: Maurie Japarta Ryan to lead CLC