
The Shortwave Report 11/28/14 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
            The latest Shortwave Report (November 28) is up at the website  in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom

Removing Australia from the Refugee Convention?

It wasn't expected until next week, but now we're hearing Scott Morrison's migration bill could be put to a vote in the Senate as early as today.

Here's what we know: the Coalition will vote together in favour of the bill. This is despite the Parliament's own Human Rights Committee, chaired by a Liberal Senator, finding the bill breached Australia's human rights commitments.1 Labor have said they will oppose the bill in its current form, as have the Greens, who will oppose the bill in its entirety.


Australia Tour!! Wallabies vs Ireland Live Stream

Wallabies vs Ireland Live Stream Watch Australia Tour 2014 Game Predictions : walvsire
Reddit‎ - 5 hours ago. Wallabies vs Ireland Live Stream Watch Australia Tour 2014 Game PredictionsWallabies vs Ireland Live Stream Watch Australia Tour 2014. Wallabies v Ireland: Live coverage of the Test clash at Aviva Stadium in Dublin | Rugby
Fox Sports‎ - 1 hour ago. Ireland vs Australia: Date, Time, Live Stream, TV Info and Rugby Preview


Click Here to Watch live


Interview with Deborah Hart organiser of the "Climate Guardian Angels" action at the Brisbane G20

Perth Indymedia speak with Deborah Hart one of the organisers (and participants) in the "Climate Angels" action at the Brisbane G20. Deborah is also co-convenor of ClimActs.


bowraville 3 report and rally thursday 20/11 at 12.30pm

on thursday 13 november, 2014 some 30 to 40 members of the bowraville 3 families attended nsw parliament house, the legislative council especially, for the tabling of the law and justice committee enquiry into the effects of the 3 murders of the children on the families involved and the communities involved. i was initially dismissive of the enquiry believing that such a process would only once more place the families under a social microscope for very little outcome.

Coal industry bullies infiltrate Australian environmental group.

The environmnetal movement,  Landcare Australia is controlled by the fossil fuel and coal seam gas industry by a network of companies and organizations with controversial environmental ethics.

“We have to be aware of the possibility that some might want to partner with Landcare in order to greenwash what might otherwise be bad corporate behaviour.” Campbell Anderson,  Landcare in Focus Nov 2012, p12.


Lately, we're not just winning, we're winning BIG.

Dear Avaazers,

Lately, we're not just winning, we're winning BIG.

These are not small time victories, but the biggest stuff, the save the world stuff - on climate change, Monsanto, our oceans, the internet, democracy, and more! There's a lot that's depressing in the world today, but scroll down and see what our future could look like if we just stick together...

After the March -- Real Progress on Climate Change!! From Europe, the US, and China!

[Progress on climate change]
One of our 2,600 climate marches!

Indymedia Australia Relaunches

Welcome to the relaunched Indymedia Australia website.

Indymedia has been an important and prominent part of global justice struggles since its genesis in 1999 and serves to allow activists and others to break through the corporate stranglehold over media to publish truthful and accurate information.


Open Letter from Nyungah Land and Culture Protector Iva Hayward-Jackson

Recently The Premier of Western Australia, Colin Barnett, committed to closing down approximately one hundred and fifty remote Aboriginal communities in the State of Western Australia.


IRAN - Human Rights Abuses


Article 220 of the Iranian Criminal Code states; “If a father – or his male ancestors – kill their children, they will not be prosecuted for murder."

Likewise, article 1179 of the Civil Code states; “Parents have the right to punish their children within the limits prescribed by law.”

No to the pro-imperialist mobilization around Kurdistan!


    For weeks, the fate of Syrian Kurds has become one of the most important justifications for the imperialist intervention under way in the region; international media have focused attention around Syrian Kurdistan (Kurdistana Rojava, Western Kurdistan, in Kurdish) and the city of Kobané attacked by forces of a group called the"Islamic State" (better known by the acronyms in English or Arabic: ISIL, ISIS or Daech).

Media Release - The 2014 Transport Election: We Demand Our Say - Rally For Public Transport

A public rally organised by community groups will be held this Saturday in the heart of Melbourne to demonstrate Victorians continued strong rejection of the deeply unpopular East West Link. Rally speakers will include Senator Christine Milne, Cr Stephen Jolly and community representatives.
