
Farmer puts climate #onmyagenda at Brisbane #G20

A farmer at Felton on the Darling Downs has found a novel way to communicate to the G20 leaders expected in Brisbane: a ploughed sign in his field that says 'GO 2 Solar',

Rob McCreath said in a statement, "Australia is one of the richest per capita countries in the world, with the highest per capita greenhouse gas emissions in the developed world. We have huge reserves of sunshine, so making use of it is simply a matter of common sense. Our government’s reluctance to do so is an international embarrassment.


Independent filmmaker Aaron Fernandes on the conditions at the Manus Island refugee detention centre

Aaron Fernades traveled to the remote Manus Island in Papua New Guinea earlier this year to investigate Australia’s controversial detention policy and the lives it continues to affect. The result was an independent documentary produced for Al Jazeera.


Our Economic Culture Marx Time [ audio ]

Mini Radio Theater illustrating the underlying flaws of Marx' and Engels' theory, by overlooking the debt finance system and it's repercussions.

Written by Graham, performed by Tanya, Len, Richard - voxops from the street of Nimbin, Australia

9:17 min 128 kbps stereo 8.5 MB


Near-Term Human Extincton: Making the Case

Let me ask you: Do you have days when you feel we are doomed as a species? That's every day, for our next guest.

When a successful Professor of Natural Resources, Ecology, and Evolutionary Biology left the University of Arizona, for his mud hut retreat, he probably didn't intend to stir up the world. But that's just what Guy McPherson has done. He's becoming a voice for the worst fears of many people. In fact, McPherson says climate change has gone so far, so fast, humans will become extinct before 2050.

Lessons learned in the Bucca camp - and Muslim IS raids

By Kathy Kelly - courtesy of The Stringer - - In January of 2004 I visited “Bucca Camp,” a U.S.-run POW camp named for a firefighter lost in the 2001 collapse of New York’s World Trade Center. Located near the isolated port city of Umm Qasr, in southern Iraq, the network of tent prisons had been constructed by U.S. Coalition authorities. Friends of five young men thought to be imprisoned there had begged our three-person Voices delegation to try and visit the camp and find out what had happened to their loved ones.


Imminent Shutdown of Aus Indy

This website may soon cease to exist and be taken down.

To prevent this from happening you must take action.

Inydmedia Australia is in dire need of volunteers, people willing to give a few minutes per week to keep the flow of information going. While the story submission volume is good, people are needed to join the editorial collective to help out with newswire moderation and other various tasks that keep the website going.

Funds for server hosting are also needed.

Bolt’s poisonous words tells me he is obviously not well

By Dr Woolombi Waters - courtesy of The National Indigenous Times - - “After the Creation, brothers, sisters and others of the closest kin, intermarried promiscuously – the evil effects of these alliances becoming manifest – a council of chiefs (elders) was assembled to consider in what way they might be averted, the result of their deliberations being a petition to the Muramura (Good Spirit), in answer to which he ordered that the tribe should be divided into branches and distinguished one from the other by different names


Minders block National Indigenous Times to Abbott trip as the paper declared "public enemy number one"

Courtesy of The National Indigenous Times - Editorial - The National Indigenous Times was “public enemy number one” according to mining billionaire, Andrew “Twiggy” Forrest when he launched a scathing attack on the publication at an informal gathering of senior Federal Government Ministers and advisers in Canberra recently and the Prime Minister, Tony Abbott’s minders declared at the same gathering there was no way they wanted to any journalists from the National Indigenous Times present during Mr Abbott’s visit to Yolngu Country this week because they did not want Mr Abbott to have to dea


Australia a nation of disabled people

The human body was actually designed for walking, but how often do people walk these days, there is 17.6 million motor vehicles in Australia & people use these vehicles like they are all disabled, they can't walk properly so they choose to use a motor vehicle instead of walking, they can't run so they use a motor vehicle instead. Australia is a nation of disabled people, a nation where machines take precedence over human health.

Millions of children instructed in Nazi eugenics techniques, from the Royal Society for Arts

The ‘Opening Minds’ Science curriculum (established by the Royal Society for the Arts) is clearly instructing children in eugenics techniques. The Royal Society for the Arts has as president the Princess Royal (who has taken over from Prince Philip) and patron the queen.

Eugenics is about selective human breeding, and includes measuring and assessing human beings and placing them in a hierarchy of ‘good’ and ‘not so good’(these words good/not so good are used in the school curriculum). In Nazi Germany this led to the extermination of millions considered ‘undesirable’.




John Chuckman

What else can you fairly call a people who attack a population of refugees confined to a small space surrounded on every side by fences and machine-gun towers, a population with nowhere to run? No, that is not put strongly enough. Not just attack, but use the latest and most ferocious weapons from the American arsenal to slaughter more than 2100 people, including more than 500 children, destroying along the way a major portion of the housing, businesses, and institutions of a poor people.

Politician tells supporters of Sharia law to 'GET OUT' of Australia

Politician Jacqui Lambie, wants those in Australia who support Sharia law to "pack up their bags and get out of Australia".

The Palmer United Party Senator is also calling for the supporters of Sharia law in Australia to be kicked off government benefits and not be allowed to vote in the country.

“Anybody that supports Sharia law in Australia should not have the right to vote, should not be given government handouts, and should probably pack up their bags and get out of here,” she told reporters in Hobart.

Abbott in Yirrkala

The PM has now 'fulfilled' his election promise of spending one week in an Indigenous community. However, this promise to repair the relationship between conservatives and the First Peoples of this country could have ulterior motives. Congratulations! He's chosen Yirrkala, perhaps one of the best remote communities in Australia. The town where the world-famous band, Yothu Yindi originate from. Yirrkala is also located on the picturesque coastline of East Arnhem Land with crystal clear water and an abundance of Burramundi.
