
Media Release: Protest At SA Labor Party Convention: It's Time To Reject The Forrest Review

First Nations' Advocates for Rights and Equality, SIMPla (Stop Income Management in Playford), Anti-Poverty Network SA, and concerned members of the public will protest against Premier Jay Weatherill's blanket endorsement of Andrew Forrest's proposals in his Indigenous Employment and Training Review, including significantly expanding Income Management.


Melbourne Forum talks Health versus Capitalism

Last night, Melbourne's Plan B collective hosted a panel discussion and forum at the Victorian Trades Hall on the topic of “Health vs. Capitalism”. The panel's four speakers were selected to present a range of academic, professional and activist views on the intersection and impact of capitalism upon modern healthcare and global well-being.



A protest group behind what is billed to be the largest demonstration against the G20 Leaders Summit in Brisbane has hailed former Queensland Solicitor General Walter Sofronoff’s comments on the legality of protests items such as masks and loudhailers at G20 protests in Brisbane.


Media Release: A Student Perspective on the "MyMaster" Scandal

The Sydney University Postgraduate Representative Association, (SUPRA) regards the recent revelation of the existence of a ‘cash for grades’ essay writing scheme ran through the “MyMaster” website as deeply troubling, not only because plagiarism undermines learning, but also for what it reveals about the state of Australian universities.


WGAR News: Stories of What is Happening in Aboriginal Communities

Newsletter date: 7 November 2014

WGAR News Public Google Group:!forum/wgar-news
WGAR News - Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

Editorial Note: The main editor for WGAR News has been unwell for the past 5 months and so there has been no newsletters during this time. This editor has now completely recovered. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Dismantling a radioactively highly polluted German nuclear reactor with a scandalous cover-up history

Under strict secrecy work began on Tuesday 11 November 2014 on dismantling a radioactively highly polluted German nuclear reactor with a scandalous cover-up history. The “experimental” nuke at Jülich was shut down in 1988, ten years after serious mishaps which included radioactively polluted water escaping into the ground water. The incident was kept secret, then played down.

The operating company says the deconstruction is not dangerous to the public but experts doubt that claim. The work was to be completed tomorrow, 13 November.


Putin takes shirtfronting up a notch

This is not satire. The stakes have been raised in macho posturing between PM Tony Abbott and Russian President Vladimir Putin, with the news that russian warships have been seen heading towards Australian waters after Abbott asked Putin to apologise and compensate the victims of the MH17 tragedy. 

According to The Australian, "Australian P3 Orion surveillance aircraft have been deployed to monitor the ships, along with Anzac class frigate, HMAS Stuart.The ships are in the Coral Sea, south of Bougainville off Australia’s east coast."

European Commission Taken To Court For ‘Stifling Dissent’ Over EU-US Trade Deal

On Monday morning the Stop TTIP coalition, consisting of over 300 civil society groups from across Europe, are filing a lawsuit against the European Commission at the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg. The lawsuit relates to a decision that was made by the Commission to block a ‘European Citizen’s Initiative’ (ECI) on the controversial EU-USA trade deal known as TTIP and a similar deal with Canada (CETA).


Interview: Jan on why she's attending the G20 people's summit

Climate change is not on the Australian G20 agenda. As the most pressing issue of our era, why not? Jan is a protestor at the G20 in Brisbane, Australia 2014. More info see

Download or listen online here:

Community groups set to take the gloss off the G20 in Brisbane

From November 8 community groups will launch a range of actions and events against the economic rationalism, state repression and sheer ridiculous spending of the G20 event in Brisbane. While the police report over 20 groups they know of, the Brisbane Sovereign Embassy - BASE  and BrisCan-G20 are organising a People's Convergence. There will be street marches through the week and a People's March on November 15.


Some reasons why we need to protest at the G20 this week

While the media has been in a feeding frenzy over anarchist plots and police powers, the real issues that the G20 will be discussing and the inequality it perpetuates has largely been ignored.

Social justice and environmental groups will be amongst many of the organisations protesting the policies of the G20 in Brisbane this week.  This is what a few of them have to say:

Corporate Capture of policy making

Brisbane launch Citizens Media Centre for G20 alternative news

From November 12-16, Wandering Cooks (at the corner of Cordelia St and Fish Lane, South Brisbane) will serve as a venue for community gatherings, creative events and media production.   Free wifi, computers and tech support will be available for “citizen journalists” to produce their reports on G20 activities and action.

Media Alert Nov 11, 2014


Renewable world by 2030

 Super-scientist Mark Jacobson from Stanford explains soot-causing warming - plus a way to run the world on clean energy by 2030.  Yes, it can be done technically.  But can we overcome the powers-that-be to do it socially?


We visit an Ultra-Mega coal power plant in India, ten times larger than U.S. stations.  It's already killing people. Of course, India is buying coal from Australia and Indonesia.  If the world's second-most populous country continues it's coal-building projects, we are all cooked.


Civil disobedience in the Pillaga against Santos developing CSG wells

Something is happening in the Pillaga in western NSW. Coal Seam Gas exploration and drilling by Santos is under concerted attack. While the protests are not new, the profiles of those locking on or taking a stand are no longer the regular sterotype.
