VCAT – Special Procedures - organ transplants (also compulsory sterilisations / pregnancy terminations)

What is a Special Procedure?

1986 (“the Act”). Section 3 of the Act states that a special procedure is:

     • Any procedure that is intended, or is reasonably likely, to have the effect of rendering permanently infertile the person on whom it is carried out; or

     • Any procedure carried out for the purposes of medical research; or

     • Termination of pregnancy; or

     • Any removal of tissue for the purposes of transplantation to another person; or

     • Any other medical or dental treatment that is prescribed by the regulations to be a special procedure for the purposes of Part 4A.

The VCAT Application for Special Procedure asks

     Is the person homeless? Yes No

     Place of birth (if you know)

     You must include spouse, partner, parents, children, step children

     Does the person you are applying about have any known relatives and/or interested parties?

     Yes No

So, VCAT ordering the removal of tissue for the purposes of transplantation to another person who is homeless and no known relatives and/or interested parties, poses problems.



Last sentence above unclear.

Better put:  VCAT ordering the removal of tissue for the purposes of transplantation from someone who is homeless and with no known relatives and/or interested parties, poses problems.

The person from whom the tissue is removed may be homeless.

VCAT Special Procedure application form: