
How a King's Seal could change land rights in South Australia

In 1836 King William IV recognised the continued rights to land for Aboriginal people in South Australia's founding document, the Letters Patent. It was the first ever recognition of Aboriginal rights granted in Australia's colonial history. But the promise of legal entitlement to the land was never kept. Now a new documentary is telling the story of the King’s Letters Patent and the struggle to have those land rights recognised.

At click on “Story audio”

(Story offered to hundreds of community Radio stations)

A Sad Day For Nimbin

I woke up this morning to a phonecall from a neighbor who told me about a fire having burnt down some Nimbin icons, the "Rainbow Cafe", "The Nimbin Museum", and some adjacent building.
Coming into town today I saw a big hole in the front of the main street with smoldering remnants, a lot of police and fire brigade, and other "officials".

Check the media links with photos, some videos and an audio interview of Jenny Dowel, Mayor of Lismore commenting on the event.


First Nations Womens ceremonial walk for freedom

Come and join Auntie Susan Rankin and the mob to celebrate the First Nations womens ceremonial walk for freedom from Melbourne to Canberra. We are having a goodbye breakfast before they head off on their walk to Parliament House! Please meet at Princes Park September the 1st at 7.30am!!! Bring some breakfast to share. Meet at the Princes park BBQ area, off Princes park drive, or cut across from royal parade (next to Optus oval) Carlton North. Please share this post!!! ALL WELCOME!
First Nations women are walking from Melbourne to Canberra starting in Melbourne, on the 1st of September.


Give Peace A Chance

‘Give Peace a Chance? ’

A noble sentiment; unfortunately war is a vital element of world-economics and profit from armament export sales is essential to economic success.

A successful armaments-producing nation leans heavily on an income-dependency from export. And the armament’s industry produces lots more than Swiss Army Knives.

More police powers are needed to stop people driving cars

More police powers are needed to stop people driving cars, currently if a car is speeding the police have the right to pull the car over, also random breath tests give the police the right to pull a car over. However the police should have the right to pull a car over to ask some basic questions like what do you do for work & this information should be passed on to the bureau of statistics, the government has the right to know what its citizens do for work & this applies to people who drive cars all over Australia.

Why Australia should not become the world's nuclear waste dump

Former prime minister Bob Hawke is urging Australia to become the world's nuclear waste dump. But he has little hope of succeeding.

Hawke said Australia could end the disadvantage endured by its Indigenous population by opening up traditional lands as dumping sites for nuclear waste from around the world. This would "finally eliminate these disgraceful gaps in well-being and lifetime opportunities”, Hawke said — an echo of his grandiose claim in 1987 that, "By 1990, no Australian child will be living in poverty."


Global Banking Since 1694 [ audio ]

When we look around the present conditions of war against each other and the environment, one could not imagine that an act conceived in 1694 in London would be central to these present day issues.

One Third Of The World's Population Die In Police Custody

One third of the world's population die in police custody, the majority of these people are people with so called mental illness, note they can not scientifically prove that mental illness exists, in other words its a pseudoscience & in reality mental health is more about eugenics & population control by murdering people through forced incarceration & the forced consumption of drugs.

An appeal from Australian Jews to the Australian Jewish community

Over 165 Australians of Jewish identity and background have signed an Open Letter (below) calling on their fellow Jews to break their silence on the onslaught on Gaza by Israel. Among the signatories are actress Miriam Margolyes, union leader Kim Sattler and writers Sara Dowse, Antony Loewenstein and Susan Varga.
Vivienne Porzsolt of Jews against the Occupation, which organised the Open Letter, said ‘Silence is consent and as Jews, we must oppose atrocities taken in our name. Our public stand demonstrates that many Jews reject the brutal occupation of the Palestinians by Israel.


THE DAY AUSTRALIA STOOD STILL - The Hanging of Ronald Ryan

* The clock strikes 8:00 AM.
* It is a hot Friday morning.
* The 3rd day of February.
* In the year - Nineteen Hundred and Sixty Seven.
* The State of Victoria hangs Ronald Joseph Ryan inside 'D' Division at Pentridge Prison.
* Australia falls silent ...
* Birds startled by the loud crash of the trap door suddenly fly off the roof of the prison cellblock.
* At the same time - a gust of wind from nowhere - slams shut the prison church doors with a loud crash.
* A crowd of 3,000 protesters outside Pentridge Prison - pause for a three minute silence.

MetaData collection

The government wants to collect only the ip address of the sites you have visited they don't want to check on your browsing history.


This is a LIE


The ip address is what the internet reads when you type in the website address.


You type and the internet converts this to


Go ahead, try it. Just type the numbers into the browser address line and hit Enter

 (don't forget the full stops between the numbers)



The Shortwave Report 8/8/14 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (August 8) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

NEW PODCAST!!!- feed:// (128kb Highest Quality)

Andrew Forrest tells us what to do but is this welfare reform or a land grab?

By National Indigenous Times columnist, Dr Woolombi (Marcus) Waters - “While all their mouths talk (and say) the right (thing), I do not understand why nothing is done. I have heard talk and talk but nothing is done. Good words do not last long unless they amount to something. I believe much trouble and blood would be saved if we opened our hearts more. It does not take many words to speak the truth.” (Hinmaton Yalatkit, Nez Percé Native American: 1877)


KRONOS: Global Paymaster, Global Payroll. The John Adam St Gang.

Kronos – Global Paymaster, Global Payroll
Kronos: global paymaster and global payroll. Time management and attendance. (Kronos: Greek god of time in its negative aspect).

Welcome to Kronos Worldwide :

United States
United Kingdom
Other Europe
Middle East/Africa
Middle East

Kronos – Time and Attendance, Time Tracking


Is global warming causing droughts in Australia

Is global warming causing droughts in Australia ?

Many Australian towns are dying due to many years of drought, yet even though Australia & many other developed & under developed countries around the world are signatory's to Agenda 21 we still have not met our renewable energy targets. Yet some countries like Germany have done well to have one third of their economy powered by renewable energy.

Death in police custody – Custody Notification Service should be implemented nationwide

By Gerry Georgatos - (courtesy of The Stringer and The Human Rights Alliance) A 22-year-old woman died on Monday afternoon after being taken into custody on the Saturday by South Hedland Police in the Pilbara, Western Australia. It has been reported that on the Monday the young woman continued to complain feeling unwell and was then taken to Hedland Health campus where she died shortly after.

But it was the third time the young woman was taken to hospital since the Saturday.


By Jingo! WW1 Centenary 1914-2014

And the Band Played I Should Be So Lucky!
By Max Gross

While the Abbevillian Abbott government continues its "emergency Budget" onslaught upon the powerless, the disenfranchised and the unemployed, the flags are out, brass buffed and sphincters braced to commemorate the centenary of the First World War.

In his speech on Monday (4 August) our pretentious, asinine prime minister declared the "sacrifice" of millions was "in a good cause".


“Shit Happens” to MH17
By Max Gross

'I want to give people this absolute assurance: no cuts to education, no cuts to health, no change to pensions, no change to GST, no cuts to the ABC or SBS' - Tony Abbott, 6th September, 2013

"The Coalition will do the right thing for Australia and deliver a strong, stable, accountable government that puts the national interest first and delivers a better future for all Australians. We will restore accountability and improve transparency measures to be more accountable to you" - Liberal Party website

Something exciting has just happened in the last couple of hours.

Something exciting has just happened in the last couple of hours.

After a huge response from all sections of the community, the Government has backtracked on changes to section 18c of the Racial Discrimination Act, dropping their changes that would water down protections against racial vilification.

So many of you have been involved in voicing your opposition to these changes and today you’ve won. Whether you simply shared a Facebook graphic, made a submission to the enquiry or attended a rally against these changes — thank you.
