Bob Hawke

Why Australia should not become the world's nuclear waste dump

Former prime minister Bob Hawke is urging Australia to become the world's nuclear waste dump. But he has little hope of succeeding.

Hawke said Australia could end the disadvantage endured by its Indigenous population by opening up traditional lands as dumping sites for nuclear waste from around the world. This would "finally eliminate these disgraceful gaps in well-being and lifetime opportunities”, Hawke said — an echo of his grandiose claim in 1987 that, "By 1990, no Australian child will be living in poverty."


WGAR News: We must renew calls for national land rights: Amy McQuire, Tracker Editorial

Newsletter date: 3 March 2013


* Amy McQuire, Tracker Editorial: We must renew calls for national land rights
* Chris Munro, Tracker: Aboriginal Ink: Voices of the voiceless
* Brian Johnstone, Tracker: Land Rights: Breaking new ground
* Emma Murphy, Green Left: NT Shale gas boom set to meet resistance
* Tracker: NSWALC councillors confront protestors at head office
* Gary Foley, Tracker: The Contrarian: How Bob Hawke killed land rights
* Brian Johnstone, Tracker: Cabinet documents reveal Hawke backtrack on land rights
* Background to Mabo and Native Title