
One day, one lie


This time last year, Tony Abbott was writing cheques to the Australian people that he and the Liberal Party never intended to cash.

In the throes of an election campaign, he promised: “no cuts to education, no cuts to health, no changes to pensions, no change to the GST, and no cuts to the ABC or SBS.”

Now we all know them as lies, lies, lies.

If we let them get away with this behaviour, it not only condones bad policy, it also diminishes the faith all Australians have in our democracy. We simply can’t stand for it.


Real Solutions for Addiction

A drug addict will try by all means to blame others (it is the nature of addiction).

One of the most frustrating aspects of addiction is the effort of the drug addict to blame somebody else for his problems.
Loosing of jobs, broken marriages, arrests, illnesses, bankruptcies, injuries and the addiction itself, all of these is somebody else’s fault. Do not go into the tap of believing the large list of stories about how other people caused the problems that the drug addict has.


Real Solutions for Addiction

A drug addict will try by all means to blame others (it is the nature of addiction).

One of the most frustrating aspects of addiction is the effort of the drug addict to blame somebody else for his problems.
Loosing of jobs, broken marriages, arrests, illnesses, bankruptcies, injuries and the addiction itself, all of these is somebody else’s fault. Do not go into the tap of believing the large list of stories about how other people caused the problems that the drug addict has.


Fred Chaney's absolute deceit – learn from the past

Sovereign Union of First Nations and Peoples in Australia
Asserting Australia's First Nations Sovereignty into Governance

Media Release 4 August 2014

Fred Chaney's absolute deceit –learn from the past and beware of “Recognise”

Michael Anderson, convenor of the Sovereign Union of Aboriginal Nations and Peoples in Australia and Head of State of Euahlayi Peoples Republic said from Goodooga today:


Nuclear, climate news this week


Israel, Gaza. Tony Abbott, Christopher Pyne! Pyne says: "Australians supported the Israeli government's "firm action" in Gaza." How dare he speak for me and you!!!

Hiroshima Day commemorative events will be held in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne between April 3 and 15 -

Some good news, for once: the charity Rainbow Stay Project has brought a group of children from Fukushima to Australia, for a much needed holiday from their life at home, where they are so confined by the need to avoid radiation.

Stand for Gaza: Sydney Rally this Sunday 1pm. Stop the bombing! End the siege!

Another school is bombed. Another 15 Palestinians killed. Another market is targeted. Another 17 Palestinians killed. Electricity is gone. The death toll mounts.

It is again time for us to shout

It is vital that Australians are seen to be on the streets week after week to indicate to our government that we, as people of conscience and morality, will stand against Israel's brutality.

Rally Sunday 3rd August
1pm Sydney Town Hall

End the blockade of Gaza by Israel and Egypt.
End the massacre in Gaza.

An interview with Lex Wotton – social justice warrior

By Gerry Georgatos - courtesy of The Stringer - - Lex Wotton did time in jail, Craig Hurley got away with what he did. Mr Wotton “sought to correct a wrong” by expressing his outrage. Mr Hurley killed a man, beating him to his death in a police cell. Where is the justice? Mr Wotton will continue to chase down the justice.


Paraphysique de l'interactivité

" La liberté de ton, l'audace critique et la dérision à l'endroit des préjugés les plus solidement établis nous fournissent par contraste la mesure de l'étroitesse de nos pensées et de nos moeurs dans une civilisation qui se targue d'avoir renversé tous les tabous, alors que plus elle croit avoir conquis de droits et de libertés, plus elle étouffe dans le carcan du conformisme et se plie avec soumission au contrôle généralisé des corps et des âmes. "

Jean Levi ( né en 1948 ) orientaliste, traducteur du livre " Les fables de maître Lie, Editions de l'encyclopédie des nuisances, 2014 "

Paraphysique de l'interactivité

" La liberté de ton, l'audace critique et la dérision à l'endroit des préjugés les plus solidement établis nous fournissent par contraste la mesure de l'étroitesse de nos pensées et de nos moeurs dans une civilisation qui se targue d'avoir renversé tous les tabous, alors que plus elle croit avoir conquis de droits et de libertés, plus elle étouffe dans le carcan du conformisme et se plie avec soumission au contrôle généralisé des corps et des âmes. "

Jean Levi ( né en 1948 ) orientaliste, traducteur du livre " Les fables de maître Lie, Editions de l'encyclopédie des nuisances, 2014 "

Paraphysique de l'interactivité

" La liberté de ton, l'audace critique et la dérision à l'endroit des préjugés les plus solidement établis nous fournissent par contraste la mesure de l'étroitesse de nos pensées et de nos moeurs dans une civilisation qui se targue d'avoir renversé tous les tabous, alors que plus elle croit avoir conquis de droits et de libertés, plus elle étouffe dans le carcan du conformisme et se plie avec soumission au contrôle généralisé des corps et des âmes. "

Jean Levi ( né en 1948 ) orientaliste, traducteur du livre " Les fables de maître Lie, Editions de l'encyclopédie des nuisances, 2014 "

Paraphysique de l'interactivité

" La liberté de ton, l'audace critique et la dérision à l'endroit des préjugés les plus solidement établis nous fournissent par contraste la mesure de l'étroitesse de nos pensées et de nos moeurs dans une civilisation qui se targue d'avoir renversé tous les tabous, alors que plus elle croit avoir conquis de droits et de libertés, plus elle étouffe dans le carcan du conformisme et se plie avec soumission au contrôle généralisé des corps et des âmes. "

Jean Levi ( né en 1948 ) orientaliste, traducteur du livre " Les fables de maître Lie, Editions de l'encyclopédie des nuisances, 2014 "

Paraphysique de l'interactivité

" La liberté de ton, l'audace critique et la dérision à l'endroit des préjugés les plus solidement établis nous fournissent par contraste la mesure de l'étroitesse de nos pensées et de nos moeurs dans une civilisation qui se targue d'avoir renversé tous les tabous, alors que plus elle croit avoir conquis de droits et de libertés, plus elle étouffe dans le carcan du conformisme et se plie avec soumission au contrôle généralisé des corps et des âmes. "

Jean Levi ( né en 1948 ) orientaliste, traducteur du livre " Les fables de maître Lie, Editions de l'encyclopédie des nuisances, 2014 "

Environmentalists respond to Warren Mundine's attacks

Dr Jim Green - Warren Mundine, head of Tony Abbott's hand-picked Indigenous Advisory Council, has waged war against environmental groups in recent opinion pieces in the Fairfax and Murdoch press.

The headlines may not have been written by Mundine but they reflect the content of his propaganda: 'Without mining we'd all be living in caves', and 'Green groups keep Aboriginal people in poverty'.


The Shortwave Report 8/1/14 Listen Globally!

Dear Radio Friend,
The latest Shortwave Report (August 1) is up at the website in 3 forms- (new) HIGHEST QUALITY (128kb)(27MB), broadcast quality (16MB), and quickdownload or streaming form (6MB) (28:59) Links at page bottom
(If you have access to Audioport there is a highest quality version posted up there {35MB}

NEW PODCAST!!!- feed:// (128kb Highest Quality)

Australia must break its silence on Gaza

Dear friends,
I write to you with deep sadness about the situation in Gaza. I have received many inquiries about what the Greens are doing in response to the Israeli invasion.

Last night, I watched a very powerful clip from British Channel 4’s Jon Snow about his recent trip to Gaza. He speaks movingly about what is happening to the children of Gaza. Over 1310 children have been injured and over 166 have been killed.