Nuke and climate news this week by Christina Macpherson

AUSTRALIA Israel, Gaza.    Tony Abbott, Christopher Pyne!   Pyne says:  "Australians supported the Israeli government's "firm action" in Gaza."  How dare he speak for me and you!!!

Hiroshima Day commemorative events will be held in Sydney, Brisbane and Melbourne between April 3 and 15 -

Some good news, for once: the charity Rainbow Stay Project has brought a group of children from Fukushima to Australia, for  a much needed holiday from their life at home, where they are so confined by the need to avoid radiation.

Uranium - media hype caught out this week. Fairfax and News Ltd recommended Australian  company Silex Systems as the best investment. But 3 days later, Silex's much-touted laser uranium enrichment technology was dumped by General Electric. Silex had previously dumped its own solar business in favour of its nuclear business. Silex shares were $7.97 a share in 2009. Now they're 49 cents  share.

But the hype goes on, with the media touting Western Australia's EPA conditionally approving Cameco's uranium plan for Kintyre, and Queensland's Newman Government enthusing over uranium mining. Indeed, Queensland is so keen that they will consider exporting uranium through Queensland ports -  (Bugger the Great Barrier Reef!)

The Western Australian plan is up against it - with low uranium prices meaning that it is not viable, and with considerable opposition, especially from Aboriginal people. Submissions against this uranium project will be received by the EPA up until August 11

In Northern Australia, Energy Resources of Australia (ERA) continues its loss-making record.

In South Australia - despite the hype, BHP's proposed new underground Olympic Dan uranium mine is just not happening

France refuses to accept toxic chemical wastes from Orica in Sydney - on the grounds that the transport is too dangerous. Makes me wonder why certain Australians are keen to import toxic radioactive wastes from France?

The Abbott Australian Government. You might suspect that I am frothing at the mouth, and you would be right. The approval of Australia’s largest coal mine which will kill the Great Barrier Reef.  The refusal of Abbott to attend the Pacific Islands Forum (it will discuss Climate Change). Abbott's determination to keep Climate Change OFF the agenda at the G20 Forum. The treatment of asylum seekers .........

Good news;  Lots of it about renewable energy.     Capital cities are going ahead with renewable energy!    Coober Pedy a great test case for off-grid renewable energy     Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) funding Lord Howe Island’s hybrid renewable energy project     Queenslanders want renewables to become the ‘norm’


Gaza.  On social media there is gathering world anger at Israel's actions

Hiroshima and Nagasaki anniversaries bring up the parallels between the cover-ups that went on, about the health results of the atomic bombing, and today's cover-up of the health effects of the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe

World Nuclear Industry Status Report 2014 is out, showing the continued decline of nuclear power

Japan. While it is supposed to be restarting nuclear power, in reality, Japan's failure to control the Fukushima radioactive leaks is one of several factors that are delaying the restart.

Fukushima - calls for more thorough examination of the medical effects of the nuclear meltdown.  Fukushima's wild monkeys have blood abnormalities considered to have only one cause - nuclear radiation.

Ukraine Parliament considering a Bill to renew nuclear power (doesn't that fill you with confidence?)   Sanctions imposed by Europe - on Russia  - likely to have serious negative effects on European countries' nuclear industry

Renewable energy is having  a record year in Germany   also in UK  and in Denmark and China