One day, one lie


This time last year, Tony Abbott was writing cheques to the Australian people that he and the Liberal Party never intended to cash.

In the throes of an election campaign, he promised: “no cuts to education, no cuts to health, no changes to pensions, no change to the GST, and no cuts to the ABC or SBS.”

Now we all know them as lies, lies, lies.

If we let them get away with this behaviour, it not only condones bad policy, it also diminishes the faith all Australians have in our democracy. We simply can’t stand for it.

That’s why today we’re launching to help you tell the Australian people about the damage Tony Abbott’s lies are doing.

Each day we’re focusing on one lie Tony Abbott told Australia this time last year. Today, can you kick this off by sharing one of the greatest whoppers of them all, his education funding lie?


Australians were told a vote for Tony Abbott would be a vote for the same school funding policy as Labor -- the hard-fought and much loved Gonski reforms. He told voters it was a “unity ticket” with Labor’s commitment to increase education funding.

He lied. And now we know future school funding will lose $30 billion.

We can’t let that stand, so we’re redoubling our efforts. Starting today, let your friends and family know what happens when we take Tony at his word -- one lie at a time.

Today, share this graphic on the anniversary of his school funding “unity ticket” lies.

Thanks for standing with me on this,

Bill Shorten

PS -- This is the first Tony Abbott lie of many we need you to help spread the word on. Starting today, we need your help to expose one lie, one day at a time:



The biggest lie:

The financial debt system, producing scarcity, war, and exploitation of the environment and ourselves.
Why should I want a job with exploitation in this country, when all the capitalist requirements of offshore exploitation are already taking place in a third-world country, or in a "BRICS" nation ???
Why shall I believe this economy to be best at distributing wealth and profits, when it stares in our faces everyday that it is NOT so ?
De-globalization and increased reliability of war-industry profits to lift the western economies' GDP seems the only recipe at present.
Check out the numbers in "War Profits" [ audio ] on the news wire.
How can the next generation have any confidence in that model of financial scarcity driven economy ?

There are a few fundamental lies to clarify.
Thank You