
Coal Seam Gas Fracking resumes in Bentley

After a temporary reprieve with the suspension of Metgasco's license to drill in Bentley, near Lismore NSW, the company has obtained a court order to continue exploring for coal seam gas threatening again the farmland and water table.
This time the protesters will be confronted with up to 800 police and other legal tools to prevent another "people's victory".


There is an informed article highlighting the underlying cause and principles driving the corporations.


“For Sale” sign on car attracts parking fine

Queensland woman Marie Bennett has been fined by local council for putting a “for sale” sign on her vehicle.  It is something she had seen on countless other cars and had thought it was quite legal.  However, little did Ms Bennett know that there was a local law forbidding the sale of vehicles on “local government controlled areas and roads”.  The amount of the fine was $220.

Australian based company Ambre Energy pushing coal export in Oregon

Brisbane based coal company Ambre Energy is attempting to open up coal export business in Oregon in the US Pacific Northwest, but the locals aren't very impressed. Last Wednesday over 400 Oregonians rallied outside their Capitol building in Salem, Oregon to stop the Ambre Energy Morrow Pacific coal export project which would transport 8 million metric tonnes of coal annually by rail and barge down the Columbia river destined to be burnt in China, with the pollution returning by prevailing winds to the US and Canada.

Coal dust and climate change: Newcastle residents march against proposed T4 coal loader

Up to 1500 people attended a rally in Newcastle today in opposition to a fourth coal loading terminal being built. Gathering at Customs house at 10am, people marched to Civic Park, chanting 'our water, our health, more precious than your wealth' and 'one two three four, no to T4'. Protestors are concerned with the impact of coal mining on agriculture and water resources, coal dust pollution risks to public health, environmental concerns, and contribution to global climate change.


International Day for Biological Diversity - Seagrass meadows are key carbon sinks for combatting climate change

UNESCO's International Day for Biological Diversity on May 22 focussed strongly on conserving our marine diversity. One of the important marine ecosystems are the seagrass meadows around the coasts of the world. A new global scientific research study just released has shown that seagrass meadows store significantly more carbon than any land based forest. They are very important as carbon sinks. But they are also suffering a major decline due to pollution from agricultural and mining development and chemical runoff, coastal development changing water turbidity upsetting photosynthesis in seagrass, and increasing sea surface temperatures affecting seagrass growth due to global warming.

The new global study of seagrass meadow ecosystems has found that coastal seagrass beds store much more carbon than can be stored in even the most carbon dense forests, such as the temperate native forests of Victoria. Seagrass meadows can store up to 83,000 metric tons of carbon per square kilometre, mostly in the soils below them. In comparison, a typical land forest stores around 30,000 metric tons per square kilometre mostly as wood. It is the first global study to analyze the carbon storage capacity in seagrasses.

More Information: Seagrass Watch | Global Seagrass Monitoring Network

Cut pollution - Make clean energy cheaper

Pollution from burning coal, oil and gas is driving a climate crisis, making our world more dangerous, increasing prices of food and water and jeopardising our way of life.

But if we cut pollution and invest properly in the clean alternatives, we can build a healthier, cleaner, more secure economy and community for all of us.

The best way to do that is to put a price on carbon pollution and use the revenue to help householders and invest in renewable energy, energy efficiency, public transport and forest protection.

Greenpeace targets BHP Billiton over carbon pollution

A Busy week for the activists of Greenpeace Australia who did a banner drop outside BHP Billiton headquarters in Melbourne on Monday and followed it up midweek with erecting a Pollution Tax Collection Point at BHP’s Mount Arthur Mine in the Hunter Valley holding up a BHP coal train temporarily.

Youtube Video: BHP Billiton: The Polluter must Pay

Price on Carbon: Frequently Asked Questions

Q: I can’t afford an increased price of living so I’m scared of a big new tax on everything.

A: The carbon price will affect 1000 of Australia’s biggest polluters - individuals will not be taxed. Some of the costs will be passed on to consumers so there will be an increase in some of our lifestyle choices. However millions of households will in fact be better off financially through compensation.

Q: Compensation removes the incentive to reduce consumption of electricity.

Heavy metals released into flood waters

Queensland Friends of the Earth Press Release 29th December 2010: Queensland's environmental regulator the Department of Resource Management (DERM) is powerless to stop flood waters creating massive pollution from mine sites across the state. Mines will be releasing huge amounts of heavy metals into the flood waters and much of this will pile up behind weirs in catchments like the Fitzroy and be a pollution problem for many years. Pollutants include dangerous levels of copper, uranium, zinc, aluminium, lead, arsenic, cobalt and nickel.

Related: Wiradjuri elder warns of risk of groundwater poisoning from gold mine at Lake Cowal
