Exposé Of The Medical Abuse Of Transgender Persons

Exposé Of The Medical Abuse Of Transgender Persons

The AMA, RANZCP, and WPATH may have an outward facade of respectability, but the reality is that they are abusing transgender persons.

AMA = Australian Medical Association
RANZCP = Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists
WPATH = World Professional Association for Transgender Health

A person who is transgender has physical problems and not mental problems. To think otherwise is similar to those who think that sexual orientation is a choice. That said, sexual orientation and gender are unconnected.

Being transgender is not a choice. The body of a transgender person has significant physical characteristics of the opposite gender. A transgender person does not change gender, they instead seek to be the gender they are, which is different to how society has treated them up to that point in time.

A transgender person is variously at liberty to better their lives, such as changing their attire to match their real gender rather than the society imposed gender, voice feminization or masculinization therapy, and if applicable then hair removal by such means as electrolysis and or laser treatment. Other options include changing ones name to be gender correct and how one is addressed in a gender context.

From a medical perspective, HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) and in some cases SRS (Sexual Reassignment Surgery) will go a long way to helping a transgender person address their physical challenges. This is the area where a great deal of harm is being done to transgender persons. This harm, abuse is being perpetrated by members of the AMA and RANZCP who are typically also members of WPATH.

A transgender person who seeks medical access for HRT and or SRS is not at liberty to make a decision based on informed consent. Rather, they are subjected to months of psychiatric interrogations.

This is how the process typically works:

A transgender person seeks HRT and or SRS. Their options are limited to seeking medical help from one of the medical clinics proporting to be LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex) friendly. When they attend they are told that their only option is to attend a select psychiatrist for diagnosis. Immediately this is offensive, as being transgender is a physical and not a mental problem.

Next an appointment may be made with a psychiatrist, who is male and a member of any or all, AMA, RANZCP, and WPATH. After several months wait, a privacy release form must first be signed in order to proceed. This allows the psychiatrist to variously use at his discretion information obtained from the transgender person, even with regards to third parties. To refuse to sign will end the process.

The psychiatrist doesn't speak long before the topic turns to sex, and it is as seedy as it sounds. There is no option to decline an answer, because any refusal to cooperate will end with the result of being denied medical access.

The way the psychiatrists do it is this, for they do not outright say no, what they do is delay a decision, all the while earning well over $200 an hour. After months and a lot of money, they then simply say no. The reason, well they just make it up, after all, no one will ever question them for they are unaccountable.

The transgender person has no rights, none when it comes to the AMA, RANZCP, and WPATH.

In early 2014 members of the AMA, RANZCP, and WPATH attended a transgender conference in Thailand, and the question is, how many sought out Thai transgender prostitutes while they were there? It is a legitimate question, as they have a fixation on transgender sex.

The transgender person is in a catch 22 situation of severe and lasting harm, for without medical access there is such suffering as may lead to attempted self medication, self harm, and even suicide. However, to attain medical access, means to appease those in the medical establishment who have created a transgender industry for themselves, to judge who may and may not have medical access. With their absolute and discretionary power and sexual fixations.

Given the choice between (a) a freely made decision based on informed consent or (b) the sexualization and tick-box abusive regime created by parts of the self serving medical establishment, who in their right mind would opt for (b) to be abused? No one, and yet only (b) is available.

Transgender persons are already exceedingly vulnerable, and that parts of the medical establishment prey on such persons to satiate their egos, status, money and sexual gratification ought to be stopped forthwith by the Australian Government. No other part of society has to spend hundreds of dollars and answer all sorts of sexual questions over many months just to have medical access.

In conclusion, a transgender person ought to be allowed to live in peace and have freely accessible medical treatment through the process of informed consent.
