
Zoo-ocracy versus Indigenous freedom

By Kahentinetha Bear, Mohawk Nation News

Capitalists think they own every living soul, and that wealth and well-being are tied to race. These zoo keepers need captives to use and abuse. When they washed on our shores we resisted. We refused to forget who we were and are. Followed was one of the biggest holocausts in all humanity. Over 100 million of us in the Western Hemisphere were murdered. We wouldn’t die off. Their domesticated European flocks had to be brought over to slave for them.

Coal power up: Victoria fails to diversify electricty generation

Victoria's reliance on coal fired electricity has increased in the last decade, with both electricity generation and greenhouse pollution from coal increasing by over 9% since 2000, according to a report commissioned by Environment Victoria - Victoria’s Energy Mix 2000-2009 (Download PDF). The increase is despite the exponential growth in the wind sector, which has barely replaced the decline of hydro power due to drought conditions and climate change.


Global public embraces Earth Hour for action on climate change as denialists respond

Earth hour has grown from just one city - an estimated 2.2 million people participated in Sydney in 2007 - to 50 million people in 400 cities around the world in 2008 and even more in 2009. In 2010 more than 1,000 cities and towns in 120 countries around the world will, at 8.30pm on Saturday, March 27 turn off the lights for Earth Hour. It is a symbolic event that has been tirelessly promoted by the WWF to promote action on climate change. While its impact by itself is somewhat negligible, although there is a noticeable power use reduction for the hour, it has increased general public awareness of energy use and it's contribution to climate change.

Related: Greenpeace report: Dealing in Doubt


Protest to meet brown coal Industry heavyweights in Latrobe Valley

The Coal and Energy 2010 Conference is being held on Tuesday 30th and Wednesday 31st March in Traralgon this week. This is a meeting of the heavy weights of the Victorian Brown Coal Industry including International Power, Loy Yang Power, Exergen and the Victorian Government Energy Minister Peter Batchelor. The conference is an attempt to slap a coat of greenwash over the industry as it plots to continue it polluting and profitable future. A group of protesters plan to greet the pollies and executives with the message “You Can’t Clean Coal" on Tuesday 31st March.


Demand action on mental health

The Australian of the Year, Patrick McGorry, has broken ranks to record a video message to us about a topic we rarely discuss. Click to view it.

Half of us will experience mental ill health in our lifetime. Of your friends, family and colleagues, about 1 in 5 will suffer in this year alone - but most won't discuss it, and most won't receive treatment.

Crackdown on Rio Tinto bosses a good thing

The Australian mainstream media are full of denunciations of China over the trial of the four Rio Tinto executives in Shanghai. However, from the standpoint of trade unionists and opponents of the oppression of Aboriginal people and the peoples of the ex-colonies, the prosecution of the Rio bosses is a good thing.


The First Branding mp3

Popular Snake Oil, I believe by Gerard Hosier, Dr. Karl Wieland and his intellectual and moral dilemmas, Mr. Bean and God, cult power abuse, Second Coming by Monkey Dust, Insane in the Brain by Cypress, Origin of Altruism by Ayn Rand Center, 10 Commandments by Marcus Brigstock, Who would Jesus bomb by David Rovics

sources: youtube, other media

length: 30:00 mins 128 kbps stereo 27.6 MB

Tell Fielding now to save half a million young and indigenous votes

A week ago a crucial bill was on a knife's edge in the Senate - Senator Steven Fielding had the deciding vote. At stake: whether nearly half a million Australians would vote this coming federal election.

GetUp members responded immediately - more than 9,000 people emailing, calling or faxing Senator Fielding that afternoon asking him to pass the bills. Thank you!

Climate protest disrupts new Newcastle coal loader

The first shipment of coal from Newcastle's third coal loader has been delayed by climate activists from Rising Tide. The docking of the Sunny Success bulk carrier was delayed at the newly built terminal by one protestor chaining himself to the wharf, and four others in a boat on the harbour.


Waihopai Ploughshares acquitted by jury!

Adrian Leason, Father Peter Murnane and Sam Land – the three men who were charged with intentional damage and unlawful entry at Waihopai spy base – have today expressed their thanks to the jury, the judge, and the prosecution and defense lawyers.

At the conclusion of the trial, Father Peter, Sam and Adrian said they feel privileged to have helped uncover the true nature of the spy base. “Our actions in disabling the spy base and stopping the flow of information helped save lives in Iraq”, added Adrian.


Solidarity call for British soldier jailed for refusing to fight

SEND a solidarity letter/postcard to imprisoned British soldier Joe Glenton refusing refusing to fight in Afghanistan

Joe Glenton was sentenced last week to nine months jail for refusing to redeploy to Afghanistan with the British Army.
Folowing a military tour in Afghanistan, Joe refused redeployment and spent 2 years AWOL in Australia before surfacing at an anti-war march in London to denounce the war .
Please send a letter or postcard of solidarity to Joe at the address below
(mentioned in a letter from his parents).

Joe Glenton (3 minute vid)

Japan continues Atlantic bluefin tuna drive to extinction

CITES (Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species) has failed to agree to any measures to protect endangered Atlantic bluefin tuna, which is heading for commercial extinction due to overfishing caused by Japanese market demand and consumption for sushi and sashimi. Japan's Prime Minister has welcomed the vote against the Bluefin Tuna ban.

WGAR News: Muckaty station Nuclear waste dump (20 Mar 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR website:

- Background
- Audio from Public meeting
- Senate Submissions
- Media Releases
- Senate Debates
- Analysis and/or Opinion
- News

- Background

Beyond Nuclear Initiative's weblog:
"This site is a snapshot of current nuclear free campaigns in Australia, particularly focusing on the proposal for a federal radioactive waste dump in the Northern Territory."

WGAR News: Nuclear waste dump in the Northern Territory (2 Mar 10)

Youtube censors Greenpeace parody video at food giant Nestlé's behest

Nestlé, the world's leading food and drinks company, has had Greenpeace's new video removed from YouTube on copyright grounds. The video is a response to Nestlé sourcing palm oil from companies involved in the destruction of rainforests and peatlands in Indonesia. Palm oil is used in many popular Nestlé brands. The destruction of rainforest and peatlands for palm oil plantations releases huge amounts of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere making Indonesia one of the highest emitters of CO2 and contributing to global warming.

Related: Palm Oil Action | Greenpeace KitKat Campaign | Climate IMC: Climate change and Indonesian peatlands
There is a continuing Global consumer boycott of Nestlé over infant formula marketing.


Warming or cooling ?

Some people say that global warming science is wrong because the earth is not warming up very fast.

It is very easy to understand why: The increased heat is melting the glaciers and icebergs.

This takes up the extra energy of the heat. The result is increased ocean levels and strange rain & cyclone patterns.

But the heating will not happen until all the ice is melted. Think about it. If it is summer and you have a big block of ice in your room, the air will get colder... until all the ice is melted.


Widow calls for lawyer to be disbarred over cycling death

Earlier this week Lawyer and former police officer Eugene McGee and his brother Craig Patrick McGee were found not guilty of conspiracy to attempt to pervert the course of justice. They had been accused of conspiring to avoid police after a fatal collision on the Kapunda Road, just north of Adelaide, in 2003. Cyclist Ian Humphrey, 46, was killed when he was hit from behind by Eugene McGee's four-wheel-drive.


WGAR News: New NT Intervention laws that extend income management (19 Mar 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR website:

New NT Intervention laws that extend income management
Speeches from Opening of Protest House
Damaging Health impacts of NT Intervention
Other NT Intervention Articles


- Background

Parliament of Australia: Senate Community Affairs Committee
Inquiry into Social Security and Other Legislation Amendment ...

Another case of media fuelled racism in Australia

Mass media is the heart and soul of a nation. Many people rely upon the mass media for information and entertainment including the bureaucrats working for the government. It was reported by the Brisbane Time on the 15th Oct 2009 under the heading - Rudd policy on China 'set by BHP', with the following statement from Mr Joske (an economic adviser to former treasurer Peter Costello in the 1990s):
