
Kevin Rudd: Have you seen what I've seen?

By GetUp!

A life of constant fear and violence. Your own brother kidnapped and held ransom. A father makes a heart-wrenching decision to save his son and a young teenager makes a dangerous journey with only one goal: to live.

Most of us can't imagine such a life, but this is Riz Wakil's story. He's one of a small number of men, women and children who come to Australia seeking our help. Isolated in detention centres, they've been kept out of sight and off our conscience; their voices never heard, their stories never shared.

Democracy is a total sham

Democracy and political systems

Democracy is a brainwashing term used by the most cunning societal leaders of all to deceive thier citizen-slaves that they enjoy "freedom" and that thier society is "good", or at least better than, other societies.
Democracy is a sham, an illusion, and has no legitimacy in Truth. There is no such thing as a legitimate democracy.

The only actual and meaningful types of society are :
1. Truth-based.
2. Lie-based

All human societies today and through-out history have been lie-based. There is not a single Truth-based society in existance.

Greens sell out for power in Tasmania

The Tasmanian Greens under the leadership of Nick McKim have joined the pro-business, anti-environment and corrupt Tasmanian ALP to form a Coalition government in exchange for two cabinet positions. This actions reflects how the Green party can be trusted to be an agent of true, radical change in Australia.


The brutal truth about Rio Tinto’s bribery case – what people should know

After nine months of media allegation, finger pointing based purely on hear-say, speculation surrounding the reasons behind the arrest of the four Rio Tinto’s executives in Shanghai on the 5th July 2009, the truth about the actual background of the arrest has finally out weighted the disinformation relentlessly generated by the mainstream media in Australia.

We now know that:

Powerlink project to destroy prime koala habitat (video)

By Save Eumundi Team

Koalas are under threat of extinction. Powerlink’s highly controversial power-line project through Noosa Biosphere will destroy the last remaining healthy koala habitat and unique nature corridor in Noosa’a hinterland. Destruction of our biodiversity means extinction of our significant and iconic species. There are alternatives.

Please watch the video at

"Federal election an Aboriginal referendum on Rudd government"

“The 2010 federal election is an opportunity for the Aboriginal community to pass judgment on the Rudd government’s policies on Indigenous affairs,” Sam Watson, Murri community leader and Socialist Alliance lead Senate candidate for Queensland, said on 21 April.

“In 2007, the Howard government was thrown out of office because of popular opposition to its policies on many issues. It is unlikely that Rudd is in real danger of losing power, but there still needs to be a protest vote right across the Aboriginal community against the racist policies of the federal Labor government.

No fly zone news mp3

"Come and fly with Me" by Skylarks Nimbin Mix, Volcano News, UK Elections Collage [ with Thomas and Friends - I'm a little Airo-plane now - Bustop ], Elections with James Sherwood and excerpt of the Vote Now Show, "Tupolov 150 Fatal Flight" movie ad, Australian and Nimbin Mardi Grass 2010 news and commentaries, "Market Volatility" with John Bird and John Hunter, add ons

Family calls for full investigation x 2

by ray jackson, president, indigenous social justice association

in this posting i wish to firstly discuss the qld greens, and others, call for a royal commission and other related issues and then to follow the townsville bulletin article (below) to then make comment on a guardian (uk) article (below) looking at black deaths by police in that country but focusing on the restraints used by the police that caused the victims to die like our brother in townsville a few days ago.

It’s a white man’s country yet - why the NSW media blackout?

By Ray Jackson, President, Indigenous Social Justice Association.

Back in the Nineteenth Century during the battles of workers, namely shearers and pastoral workers, and their landed bosses, there were many struggles for proper and decent wages and conditions. A fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work.

Arising from these times came the well-known Trade Union/worker song – It’s a Rich Man’s Country Yet – that clearly defined that though the working class could quite rightly win the battle they could still, and too often did, lose the war. Justice was not for the working class.

Three senior Carenne Special School staff charged and mentioned in court

On Monday 19 April 2010, three senior staff of Carenne Special School - Neil Moon (Principal), Lee Churches (Assistant Principal) and Terry Neal (Assistant Principal) had criminal charges mentioned before the Bathurst Local Court. A Carenne Gate reporter was on hand as the matter was mentioned.


Rudd government to reopen 'human rights hellhole'

Refugee and Human Rights advocates are in shock at the Rudd Government announcement that Curtin, the Howard era hellhole is to be reopened. Curtin Detention Centre was the worst of Australia's hellholes. It was the most secret, most isolsted and the most brutal. Curtin is 28 hours by road from Perth. It is 1/2 hour by road from Derby and 6 hours from Port Hedland. The Rudd government may think that they can detain and hide people in an isolated hellhole but they underestimate the decency and determination of the human rights community in Australia.


WGAR News: Ampilatwatja walk-off film; raw sewage dumped in Ampilatwatja (18 Apr 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR website:

Northern Territory (NT) Intervention:
* Film Premiere: Ampilatwatja Walk Off Camp
* Raw sewage dumped in NT ‘prescribed community’
* Book Review: "This Is What We Said"
* Petition for reinstatement of an Unrestricted Racial Discrimination Act
* Other NT Intervention Articles
Other Aboriginal Articles


- Background to the Northern Territory (NT) Intervention

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

Proposed Eden biomass power station an environmental and climate disaster

In April Conservation groups on the South Coast of New South Wales called on the Keneally Government to immediately reject a proposal for a Wood Fired biomass Power Station, nick named by them as 'Dead Koala Power', at the infamous Eden Woodchip Mill. South East Fibre Exports, a Japanese owned company, plans to use chipmill timber waste to generate electricity in a 5.5 megawatt $20million plant. The power station would be an environmental disaster for native forests and a climate disaster with greater CO2 pollution than coal fired power. Public submissions online on the assessment for the biomass power station can be made until April 22.

Related: Traditional owners, Conservationists Protest far South Coast Logging |
SEFE BioEnergy Project | Chipstop: Forests in the Furnace | Online Petition


Traditional owners, conservationists protest far south coast logging

On Wednesday, April 14, more than 100 local people, led by three Aboriginal Traditional Owners, held a peaceful demonstration in the contested logging area of Mumbulla mountain on the far south coast of New South Wales. Mumbulla Mountain is sacred to the Yuin people and stronghold of the last koalas in the region between Bermagui and Bega. Logging of Mumbulla Forest koala habitat near Bega started on 29th March 2010. The traditional owners present said "We, the traditional owners of Mumbulla Mountain, are distressed that woodchip logging is taking place on part of our sacred land. The land should be handed over to us to care for it, our sacred sites and the animals that live here. We need to preserve it for our culture and our future generations."

Related: Proposed Eden biomass power station an environmental and climate disaster |
Youtube video: Mumbulla Mountain traditional owners say 'no' to logging | Mumbulla Photoset


More on the recent death of our brother, Lyji Vaggs

by ray jackson, president, indigenous social justice association

more on the recent death of our brother, lyji vaggs, who died in the townsville hospital on 14 april.

the report by tony koch (below) tells as much as is allowed to be told, again all information going to the coroner's office and not to the family. woodham's 'not in the public interest rule' seems to be spreading.

lyji was distressed and traumatised enough without the cops being called in. as if that would be of any assistance, most of us freeze up when the cops are around us.

On coal company fines, reef shortcuts and environmental justice in Queensland

This week we saw hefty fines of $70,000 handed out to three foreign sailors from a bulk carrier, the MV Mimosa, which was caught travelling through restricted waters of the Great Barrier Reef off north Queensland. Also in the news was the arrest and charging of the master and the chief officer on watch of the Shen Neng 1, which ran aground on the Douglas shoal causing damage in a restricted area of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park.


WGAR News: Nuclear Waste Dump: Senate inquiry in Darwin; Nationwide protests (17 Apr 10)

WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)

WGAR website:

Nuclear Waste Dump:
* Darwin Senate inquiry on National Radioactive Waste Management Bill
* Nationwide protests against nuclear waste dump at Muckaty NT
* Muckaty Traditional Owners in Melbourne on April 21
* Other Muckaty Articles


- Background of Muckaty Nuclear Waste Dump

Beyond Nuclear Initiative’s weblog:

Aboriginal deaths in custody: "Were our people being purposely killed was the real question"

by ray jackson, president, indigenous social justice association

in the halls of custodial academe, David Biles (see his article below) is quite well known but that does not detract from those outside those halls being somewhat puzzled by his research findings from time to time.

this finding of course is one of those times.

as i saw on a social blog, the title perhaps more honestly should say that 'gaol is good for aborigines.' for that is specifically his argument.